Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 is up! Yay!!

Let me know what you think of the chapters so far. I know I need feedback so I can improve my writing. I know there is always room for improvement in writing!

Thank you for your support, I love writing this book and updating these chapters!

I'm hoping I can come up with another book soon, but it's still in the works right now. With school and the rest of my busy schedule, I'm trying to squeeze in some time to write these chapters and work on an idea for a new book.

But on to another note, I mentioned in the previous chapter that I will be updating every Tuesday. I was supposed to be updating on Thursday's but for some reason towards the end of my week, it gets even more hectic!
But Tuesday's are a go for chapter updates!

Thank you for sticking around guys love you all!

Enjoy this chapter!

Happy Reading,





" I'll see you later on at lunch, thanks for your advice," I say smiling at her

" Hey what are best friends for!" she says smiling at me again.

" Alright I'll see you in a few," I say walking into my class
I head to my seat in the back and notice someone is sitting in the seat next to mine.
It's a guy, but I can't see his face. His hood from his jacket is covering half of his face.
I wonder who it is?
No one ever sits in that seat. It's always empty.
I sit down in my seat and he turns to me. His hood is still covering his face.

This is giving me sketchy vibes right now.

" You have something you want to tell me, Lee?"


He pulls his hood off and I finally get to see who this creep is.

" Cameron, What the fuck? Why are you sitting back here with your hood down like a crepo?" I exclaim, punching him in the arm.

" Oww dude! You didn't have to punch me you jerk!"

" Well, you didn't have to lurk back here to come talk to me!"

" Sorry I just thought I was being mysterious, not creepy," He says still rubbing his arm

" Well you were being creepy, dude, you could've just sat back here and waited to ask me whatever you needed to ask"

" Oh yeah?" he says suddenly remembering what he needed to ask me, "so you have something you want to tell me?"
He crosses his arms and suddenly turns serious. He was all jokes and smiles before and now that I reminded him he looks like he's somewhat upset.
Now I'm trying to figure out what I did to piss him off


" That's all you can say? 'Ummm', really Analie?"

" What do you want me to say? I really don't know what It is that I could possibly have to tell you. You need to be a little more specific at the moment Cameron"

" Okay, you want me to be specific? Why didn't you come to me to let me know that Ayden pissed you off, I thought we were best friends Lee" He asks, sounding a little sad.

" I'm sorry I didn't want to talk to Ayden or anyone else. He pissed me off and we argued in the middle of the courtyard, and everyone was watching. I was mad at him and mad at everyone else at the same time for not minding their own business. I barely even wanted to tell Amanda about what happened" I say all in one breath.
He looks at me for a couple of seconds, with an unreadable expression. Then he starts laughing. Why the hell is he laughing. I wanna know what's so funny about this whole thing.

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