Chapter 15

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Hi all! So this is chapter 15 I do hope you all will like this chapter. This one took me a while to get up on Wattpad, just because I really had to work on Ayden's POV.  This chapter required more thought, because I had to really think over what is going on in Ayden's head!
I'm hoping this chapter gives more depth to what kind of person Ayden is!

I hope you all like it!

But anyway, let me know what you all think!



Ayden's POV:

"I thought you said that you knew where you wanted to eat??"

You might be wondering what Analie and I are bickering about now, well just sit back and watch and you'll find out what's the newest argument that we've started. Funny how were always bickering about everything but somehow still manage to be civil with each other in the end.

"Well excuse me for forgetting what I even wanted!" Analie yells, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away from me.

"well if you can't decide then I'm going to decide for you"

"Okay, fine, decide. I don't care" she says turning away from me in her seat.

If this girl wasn't so damn gorgeous, I would be annoyed with her for being indecisive. But I swear she puts me in some kind of trance whenever I see her. Of course, I would never say this to her face, it would ruin my reputation. But I am a guy, were weak when it comes to beautiful women.

Just looking at her, she looks cute when she's all huffy and annoyed. I know I'm the reason for her annoyance, but still she looks cute.

"Rest easy princess, I'm taking you somewhere I know you'll like" I say looking away from the road just to wink at her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just tell me when we are there, I am going to take a nap. Lord knows I need it after this day with you"

She turns in her seat towards me and closes her eyes. Damn there she goes again looking all cute and shit. I look away from the road for one second and notice how peaceful she looks. I must really tire her out; I mean if I was bickering with me all day I would be as tired as her.

"Damn, I really should lighten up on her. I'm going to end up giving her gray hairs, if I don't" I chuckle under my breath

"I can still hear you...moron. I'm not asleep yet."

"sorry for thinking you were asleep, Analie"

"look can you just shut up Chase, so I can get some sleep, before we arrive at this mysterious place your taking me to"

"Anything for you... sweetheart"



" Sweetheart... wake up... Were here" I whisper to Analie, trying to get her to wake up.

She stirs a bit in her sleep and stretches before waking up. She looks at me for a second and sticks her tongue out at me. what a dork. But she is a cute dork

"Okay, were here.... And where exactly is here Ayden?" she says getting up and out of the car.

I get out of the car and walk over to her. She's leaning against my jeep with her arms crossed; she seems a little annoyed, but I have a feeling it's because I woke her up. Hopefully she's not too annoyed that she will actually eat something here.

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