Chapter 10

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A new chapter is up woohoo!

I feel like I will be updating a little bit more now that school is winding down. But I'm not too sure yet, my schedule is always really weird haha. But I am seriously hoping that I can update a lot more throughout this week!

Thank you for being so patient with me, I have been working on all my chapters for so long. And I promise they will come a lot quicker, I have just been editing them and spell checking them, it takes up so much of my time!

But not to worry I will post these chapters quickly!

Also if you are not following me, be sure to follow so you'll be notified when I'm going to update. Or if you like, add this book to your library and you'll get a notification when the chapters go up!

*Also a picture of who Grayson is cast as and who Amanda is cast as up top!*

Anyway, without further ado, I give you Chapter 10!

Hope ya'll like it!


Happy Reading!!



Ayden is such a dumbass, that is literally all I can say right now.
Actually, that's not true I have a lot more to say but I am not in the mood to waste my time and energy thinking about him or even ranting about him in my head

I need some serious space from him.

But... spacing myself from him means spacing myself from Cameron. Cameron and Ayden are best friends, and Cameron and I are best friends. I don't know how I'm going to do it to distance my self from both of them, because Cameron will figure out sooner rather than later that something is up.

Ughh I don't even know how all this crap happened. Ayden and I avoided each other perfectly fine, before, even though we had the same best friend. And now...well now everything is out of whack.

I just need to figure this shit out... and take a nap.

"What's the matter Analie?" Someone asks pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up to see who's trying to get my attention. Immediately I perk up a bit when I realize that Amanda is standing next to me, about to sit down in her usual seat for our first class.
I look at her for a minute debating if I should tell her about whatever kind of 'friendship' is developing between me and Ayden.
I don't know if I should drag her into my problems. I know she's also my best friend but I just feel bad if I drag her into my problems pertaining to Ayden.

"Analie?" she questions rather than states, looking at me confused.

"Sorry, it's just... it's nothing. It's just something stupid. I'm not even sure I should be worrying over it" I say running a hand through my hair frustratedly, and in the process getting one of my rings stuck in my hair. Just my luck.

" Come on, you know you can tell me anything. Were best friends, what would we be if we didn't tell each other literally everything", She says smiling at me. She reaches her hand out and untangles my ring from my hair. She puts my ring in my hand and just smiles at me again.

"Okay, so I...Well...I gave Ayden a ride this morning-"

"Woah what? You? Gave Ayden a ride? To school??"
She practically falls out of her seat with the mention of me giving Ayden a ride to school. Why is she so surprised. I can be civil and nice to him. Even though I kinda want to punch his perfect face.
Did I seriously just say he has a perfect face?

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