Chapter 7

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This is chapter 7 people! Hope you enjoy this chapter, this chapter is also edited quite a bit. But I hope you do like this chapter!
Let me know what ya'll think about it.

*Also on a side note if ya'll have noticed I use the word 'YA'LL' haha. I use this word a lot I figure it's because I'm from Texas, but not every person from Texas uses that I just use it because I'm surrounded by a bunch of people who do use it (mainly my family). But anyway thanks for going off on that side note with me.

Carry on with your reading!

Don't Forget to VOTE!

Anyways, thanks


Happy reading!!

P.S. I'm thinking of putting songs on each chapter. Tell me what you think?



" So... Is anyone going to tell me why you all are out here in the cold," Ayden asks us looking a little bit confused

" Nope," I say walking up to my front door so I can go back inside and avoid having to explain to Ayden something he doesn't need to know about.

" Sweetheart why do you walk away from me every time I try to have a conversation with you," Ayden asks trying to step closer to me but I just hold out my arms again to keep him at arm's length probably till the end of time.

" Because I don't really have a legitimate reason to have an actual conversation with you,"

" Sweetheart I am a joy to be around and people love talking to me, I don't see why you wouldn't like to talk to me," he says along with giving his signature smirk, thinking I'm probably to melt and all of sudden find his presence to be enlightening. I swear he's so full of himself.

" Not everyone thinks your presence is one to be enjoyed, sweetheart," I say rolling my eyes at him.

" So I guess we're on a nickname basis now princess?"

" I would love to say we're not but, seeing as how you can't stop giving me nicknames and I just gave you one right now I'd say were are on a nickname basis now," I say my voice dripping with sarcasm.

" Well I could get used to giving you all the nicknames I believe would suit your gorgeous self," He says winking at me once again.

" You do realize I don't like you, and it doesn't matter what you do you're not going to change my mind"

" I wouldn't be too sure about that princess, you'd be surprised how much I can change your mind," He says winking at me and walking away from my house only to continue his run.

" What the hell was that all about?" Cameron asks looking extremely confused.

" I'm honestly not sure, I'm usually the one walking away from the conversations Ayden and I end up having"

" Well you better watch out Lee"

" What? Why, should I watch out?"

" Because I know Ayden, and now he's never going to stop bugging you until he wins you over"

" Do you really mean 'win me over' or do you mean get in my pants?"

" Both. Honestly."

" Crap."



' Oh, I got her good. I surprised the hell out of Analie, and I plan to continue to do so. She thinks that she can just walk all over me like if I'm nothing. I am Ayden Chase gosh dammit, every girl I've met has just fallen at my feet and adored me, this girl like literally hates me and I've never even done anything to her. Now look I know I've slept with, flirted with, and gone out with tons of girls but that doesn't mean I'm a bad guy. I get why she would see me like that but, I'm really not a bad guy. Sometimes I just make stupid decisions. Mmm... more like all the time. But in all seriousness, I'm really not a bad guy. I make the stupidest of decisions and then regret it later, but do I ever learn... I guess not. I'm such a dumbass, you'd think I'd learn by now.
But all that aside, this girl is going to make me work for her approval, I mean not that I need it. But it would be way easier and better if I could just get her to like me even just a tiny bit'

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