Chapter 9

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This is chapter 9 people, sorry it took so long!

I have been all over the place with my classes for university.  I seriously feel like I'm working extremely hard to get good grades right now. But now that spring break is here I'm probably going to update more this week. 

Thank you all for being so patient with me everyone! I appreciate every one of you and I hope you continue to stick around for the next chapters to come.  Thank you all so much. Much love to everyone!

Also, the picture above is who Sean is cast as.

Without further ado here it is, Chapter 9!

Anyways enjoy, and Happy Reading

You AMAZING People!



What just happened?  

I seriously think I messed shit up yet again with Analie.  Jeez, I just can't keep my mouth shut or keep my hands to myself.  

Gosh, I'm such an idiot.

Now Analie is pissed with me and probably won't want to have anything to do with me for a while, even though we have to work together for a project, and god forbid she tells Cameron what just happened. Man if he finds out he will kick my ass... more than once.

Damn, I just hope I can fix what I did.  Man, I hope she forgives me and I hope Cameron does not find out before I can tell him about me and my big mouth.

Damn, look at me worried about a girl. I've never worried about any girl in my life.  Well, that is until now.  Up until this point, every girl that's come in and out of my life has been nothing more than a fling.  All these girls that have come into my life only want to be with me because I'm king of the school. Analie on the other hand... she challenges me and questions me.  She kinda even makes me want to be a better person.

I gotta find a way to get her to forgive me.

" Ayden! Bro hold up!" someone yells at me as I walk to my locker.  I turn to see Sean jogging up to me, and Grayson trailing not too far behind him.

" What's up, guys?" I say giving both of them a 'bro hug'.

" Dude do you have any idea why Cameron looked so pissed walking to his locker?" Sean asks walking beside me " I was going to go up to him and ask but Grayson over here stopped me before I had the chance" Sean says rolling his eyes and pointing to Grayson who was walking beside him.

" Dude Cameron looked freaking pissed, did you really want to get yelled at by him while he's freaking pissed?" Grayson asks Sean rhetorically

" Well no but, I just wanted to know what was up with him maybe I could turn his frown upside down" 

" You are an idiot dude," Grayson says smacking Sean on the back of his head.

" You're not an idiot Sean...-" I say rolling my eyes

" Thank you Ayden"

" Most of the time"

" You guys are dicks," Sean says flipping us both off.

" Dude you know we're only messing with you, come on sean don't be a baby. You know we love you, we just like messing with you" I tell him putting one of my arms around his shoulder giving him a slight squeeze.

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