Convincing Earth to Come

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She opens a door with her elbow as she marches into the kitchen area.

Maid: Oh, good day p'rincess.

"Wait! You're a princess?!" Ruffnut shouted.

"Aye. What ov et?"

"Oh no, nothing," Astrid answered for the twin.

"It's just... you're noot exactlay whot a p'rincess would usuallay be," Gobber added.

"Though I got to respect it," Jack shrugged.

"Ya, you're shoot'n arrows and crazy hair. We gotta respect her royalty, right Snot?" Tuffnut called to the muscled viking sitting a few seats away from him, before realizing he didn't move. "...Snotman?"

Snotlout was staring at the screen with infatuated eyes. Many Berkians were confused at this new look on his face.

"Snotlout!" Tuffnut throws his helmet, knocking against Snotlout's head and making it bounce back to Tuff, which he catches again. Snotlout yelps in surprised pain and fixes his own metal hat that slipped over his eyes in the collision.


"Dude, do not tell me you have a crush on a princess," Ruffnut accused with her arms crossed and an evil smirk.

"What?! Hehe-no! That's stupid! Whaysgdvsv," Snotlout mumbles as he sinks into his seat and a hand covers his eyes to block the line of sight.

Everyone looked at him weirdly before deciding to ignore the teen and turned their attention back to the screen.

Merida nods in acknowledgement, grabs an apple and wipes it off with her hand. Snatching and swallowing a snowberry, she goes to bite her apple and she spots the empire biscuits piled on a tray. She backs up to make sure no one notices as she holds her apple in her teeth and grabs the tray from behind. Spinning around, keeping the tray of biscuits out of the maids line of sight and she trudges out of the kitchen to avoid suspicion. She enters the dining hall as she finishes her apple and uncaringly tosses the core away, behind her. Her dad and mother are sitting at opposite ends of the table and her brothers sat to the left of the king.

Fergus: An' out ov noowhe're, biggest bea'r you've evare seen. His hide littered with the weapons ov fullen worrio'rs, his face scarred... with one. Dead. Eye. I d'rew m'sord AND-

Merida: Woosh! One swipe, hes sord shattered then CHOMP! Dad's leg waz clean off! Doon thot munstars throot it went.

Fergus: Auuuuh! Thot's my favor'ite part.

Most of the audience laughed at the king's proclamation. Making a laugh out of losing his leg? And with how the boys were acting, it seems that he tells this story a lot. One of them was even mimicking the king without so much as looking at him.

Merida: Mor'du wus then killed by the queen in latar date. Be'in tu'rned to'a bea'r by her doghtars ambitious anguish. RAAAR! Rararararaaaaa, rahhhhh.

"You turned your mom into a bear?" Rapunzel asked. How could she turn the woman who cared for her into an animal?

"I had gooten the spell from a witch. I wonted to change my mum so she woold undarstand mey. She woz 'bout to marray me off and I den't even knoo the spell woold tarn har into a bea'r," Merida defended herself.

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