Homeward Bound

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A/N So it's officially been over a year since I started this JoYOus fanfic! This cannot be good for my mental health 😅 I'm sorry it taken forever for me to update this but good news, highschool is finally over, I've graduated. Now I'll be able to just spit these chapters out whenever I want outside of whatever job I get.

Enough said, let's roll the film!


The screen fades from black, showing the guardians and co. around Jack, who was unconscious in bed. Her ripped hoodie was now gone, replaced with bandaging covering her torso and left arm along with one on her forehead.

Emma and a few others couldn't help but make a small whimper at seeing Jack in such a state.

Tooth: Is she going to be okay?

North: Zhe'll be vine, zhe just needz rest.

Bunny: ... Then et's best ta give he' some peace 'n quiet.

Bunny gets up to leave and the others follow suit. The screen stays on Jack as the door is heard closing behind camera. A few seconds pass as the camera then floats towards the open window to reveal the full moon outside of it. The sound of mystical wind chimes seem to fly in the wind and a trickle of blue then falls from the moon. A close up on this from above, shows it to be almost a blue version of Sandy's dreamsand.

Sandy's golden eyes widened at the sight of the electric blue sparkles on screen. The man in the moon's very own dreamsand. Why was he sending that down? Sandy tried to puzzle it together. The last time Manny had sent his own dreamsand down was to show Nightlight how to defeat Pitch during the Dark Age War on Earth. And that was hundreds of years ago!

Sure Pitch was attacking again but another war wasn't coming... was there?

It falls for a bit until the wind catches it in its breeze, leading it through Jack's open window and letting the blue dust fall on to her eyes, making her twitch in response. The camera closes up on her eyes and she twitches again until they open. Music starts as Jack's eyes look around curiously while the camera backs up to reveal her now standing in a black void, wearing her colonial clothes. Consisting of her usual pants, a cream colored shirt, brown cloak and brown waist corset.

Now everyone was confused. What was that blue dust, what did it do and why was Jack now in this empty void?

Tiny crystals start forming into various things like in the intro of this story. They take form and seemingly turn into a mist that formed into an almost ghostly cabin in the woods. Jack slowly walks up to a window.

Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a cavern full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this voyage, all is found

Jack sees adult Emma through the window, tucking her children into bed and singing the lullaby. Jack makes a longing face and places a hand on the window. Wishing she could've been there. The house and people fade in a puff of smoke and Jack looks around in confusion until a blue light radiates from her right and she turns to it with a hand on what would be her bandaged arm.

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you

The camera shows her from behind, looking outwards at the ocean from a gray beach. A wooden ship takes form from the mist as it sails away. It then cuts to show older Emma holding onto a rope on the edge of the ship, with a look of determination on her face. Jack looks surprised before she's suddenly transported to somewhere within the water. Though she can still breath somehow.

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