Moana Means Ocean

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Bunny: Make sense.

Jack: But, what do you mean 'the ocean chose you'? It's alive?

Moana: ... Yeah. I know it must sound strange.

Jack: No actually it- heh. That makes perfect sense.

"What?" Ruffnut spoke.

Moana: Really?

Jack: Yes! I- you represent water because you're friends with it. Just like I'm friends with the wind.

The wind blows past with a few snowflakes to express her point. Moana seems to look at the gusts of air incredibly and turns back to Jack.

Moana: The wind is alive too?... Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?

Chuckles echoed in the room.

Tooth: Who is Te Fiti though? I don't believe I've heard of her.

Sina: W-heh, she's the Goddess of life.

The guardians and co. stiffen at the spot in confusion. Their eyes squint some and Merida swivels her head some. Jack tilts back, leaning towards North and whispers.

Jack: There's no such thing as gods.

"Whot a're ye tolken about? Ov course there's gods. Where else doez da weather come from?" Gobber tried to convince.

"Uhhhh, spirit of winter over here," Jack made a few snowflakes with her hand to express her point.

"Et's orlight iv yo'e confused," Bunny reassured. "Manay spirets a' confused to be gods oll the tiome. I'm su'e we'll explain mo' en the movey."

The Berkians and Polynesians were in a state of confusion. How could their belief system be based on a misunderstanding? To be fair, Berk thought Odin brought their gifts on Snoggletog but they couldn't have gotten everything wrong.

Moana: What are you talking about? Of course there are. I met Te Fiti myself.

Her family's eyes widened at this. Their (grand)daughter met a Goddess. It was almost unbelievable. Maui's eyes widened for a similar reason. She must've been very important to be honored in such a way.

North: Te Viti? Wait, eez'nt dat da island in de shape ov a woman?

Bunny: Wha' motha' natua' resides.

Jack: Ahhhh.

Sina: Who?

Jack: Mother Nature.

Tooth: Emily was one of the first spirits of Earth. She controls everything plant based here.

Bunny: Et's very common fo' spirets to bey confused as gods, so yo' no' alone.

"How am I a demigod if gods don't exist?"

"Well, you guys live in a very early time period," Tooth answered. "A lot of spirits at that point probably didn't even know about the whole spirit thing."

"Hold up, so you're saying I'm a spirit?"

"Yeah," Bunny answered Maui.

Hiccup: Yeah, I mean, I was four hundred years old by the time I found out my gods were just aliens on another planet.

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