When Will My Life Begin

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A/N I know Tangled takes place in the 1780's but I changed it because I wanna vary out the time frames more.

And I'm sorry these chapters have been coming out later than they used to. It used to be a chapter every two days! My mom is my spell checker and she's been taking less time to read these. This chapter and the one before it, are the only ones that she hasn't read yet.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and PLEASE comment away 😊 I love seeing comments, I love to see what you think.

I appreciate it and now let's roll the film!


The screen brightens up to show a white castle surrounded by it's city on an island connected to the shore by a stone bridge. The flying sleigh comes into view from behind the camera and circles around the towers of the castle. Everyone is in their usual spots while Moana looks out in awe at this unfamiliar setting with a smile.

Moana has that same look on her face currently. She'd seen the North Pole and the hidden world before of course but seeing these unimaginable places were amazing no matter how significant. She just couldn't wait until she could actually travel.

Tooth: Jack it's getting late. We need to rest.

Jack: I keep telling you, Tooth, it'll just take a few minutes. We just need to find the right tower.

Tooth: Honey, none of these towers have vines growing on them like the one you saw. (Shrugs) Perks of being a royals home.

Merida: How do yeh even knoo that the towar's he're?

Jack: BECAUSE! (Hold up the purple crystal) The symbol for light is a rising sun! The symbol for the kingdom are suns!

Tooth: (worryingly) I've never seen you so serious, Sweet Tooth.

"Ha, yeah! I'll say!" Ahanu sarcastically exclaimed, earning a playful slap to the shoulder from Sandy, a few seats away.

Jack: We can't just give up!

"Mm, stubb'rn. Like someone else I knoo," Gobber looked to Hiccup playfully and Hiccup just rolled his eyes in response, with a smirk.

Merida: We're noot given op! But weh need ta sleep!

Jack grazed her eyes over the people in the sleigh, seeing everyone's eyes drooping. Even Bunny, who somehow managed to look scared for his life and tired at the same time. Jack even opens her hoodie pocket to see Bruni curled up in slumber and sighs in surrender. Her own eyes were droopy as well anyway.

Jack: Fine.

North: Okay! We land!

The sleigh took off past the bridge and landing in the woods, between the trees.

Time skip to show North settle the reindeer and Moana trying to start the fire. The flint and steel Merida gave her wasn't lighting though, making Moana give a frustrated growl.

Moana: Uggghhh! I'm too tired for this! (Tries again)

Hiccup rolled his eyes and flicks his wrist, fire forming from his palm and flying to the log pile. Moana looks at him incredibly and he just shrugs. Moana –to tired to care– just crawls over to her little makeshift bed.

"Wait, since when does Hiccup have powers?" Snotlout asked dumbfounded. All the Berkians stared at the screen with wide eyes.

"He's a spiret," Bunny started. "Spirets hov magic acco'ding to the' season o' holaday. He said he's an autumn spiret, which es the season whe' plonts a' at the' driest and frequents in forust fi'as. And 'e lives weth drogons. It makes sense fo' him to hov fi'a pow'as."

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