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A/N I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long. I started writing this before Christmas and then I just got all caught up with schoolwork and all.

Also, just like when I went back and changed Rapunzel to "spirit of freedom," I did it again and changed Moana to "spirit of adventure." I came to realize that it fit much better for her than 'guidance.'

I know it kinda sucks when authors go back and change stuff but these are 2 VERY minor things that don't really effect the story. Plus I'mma use guidance for something else 😏 You'll see when it comes around to it.


The picture opens to the inners of North's workshop. Yeti's are a buzz and the elves are running rampant. Rapunzel, Moana, and Merida all look around in awe. The workshop was just so magical with all the toys and confetti in the air.

Rapunzel and the others couldn't help but do the same as their movie counterparts. Earlier scenes only showed the meeting room, living room and the globe when it was late at night and the yeti's were cleaning the ice shards. None of the mechanics or lights were on, so to see the place so bustling and lively made it feel like a whole new setting.

Rapunzel strayed a few times to get a better look at the cute elves and such before she and the others realize that the yeti's and elves seem to be in a panic.

"What's going on?" Astrid asked.

North: Hey! (Stops random yeti) I leave for 5 minutes to pick de otherz, what happened?

Yeti: Debityti biga bibi!

North: What duz dat mean?

The yeti motioned for them to follow and jogs the other direction. They go up an elevator and down a corridor, ultimately leading to a door with frosted corners.

Jack: My room?

"What's going on with my room?"

Yeti: Bidita ga gupo yitido a dabi wigaba-

Merida: Oi! Can weh get a translatar here?

Jack: Right, yeah.

North: Well wut'u mean zomeone broak een? Did dey steal zometing ov Jack's?

"Someone actually managed to break into the workshop and get back out within five minutes?" Tooth questioned the possibility.

"Man, they must've been in a rush," Ruffnut joked, leaning back and folding her arms behind her head.

Yeti: Dabiati ba ba daki dava ga.

Jack: (translating) The door doesn't lead to my room anymore?

Yeti: Hada hudaba ba soo tria be da.

North: Zo zomeone turned her bedroom door into portal az a trap?

"A trap for what?" Hiccup wondered, worryingly.

Everyone couldn't help but be on edge, especially after the Pitch reveal. This had to have been done by him. Who else would it be? Unless it was one of those enemies he said he partnered with.

Hiccup: A trap for what?

North: (shrugs) And why iz everyvone all shumnyy at dis?

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