In the Dark of the Night

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The screen brightens up once again to show Rapunzel's tower in the shadow of a late afternoon. Rapunzel's mother walks up to said tower while rummaging through her basket.

Rapunzel was dreading this. How was her mom going to handle her daughter going to the future? Did she at least leave a note? The blond couldn't imagine why she wouldn't.

Mother: Rapunzel! Let down your hai'!

A few moments too long, passes and the woman take notice. Looking up at the tower, she smirks, thinking Rapunzel was just being slow.

Mother: (sweetly) Rapunzel! I'm not getting any young'a down he'a!


... Still no answer

That's when everyone finally clued in that Rapunzel had already left to the future with the rest of the group. Leaving her mother to find the tower empty. Hopefully she at least left some sort of sign to show the mother that she was safe.

Mother: ... (smirk falls) Rapunzel?!

When things officially quite, the background music spikes up and the woman's eyes widen in fear. She runs to the other side of the tower's base and rips down the vines that grew, revealing an entrance ceiled by stone.

"Wow, she really boarded that place up, huh," Maui stated with his arms crossed.

The woman quickly starts pulling the rocks out of the way. Cut to the inner tower where a slab of the floor is lifted and the woman crawls out. Quickly looking around, she looks to Rapunzel's room.

Mother: Rapunzel? (Pulls off bed sheets)

Mother: RAPUNZEL?!

She checks closet before finally ripping off the curtains.

"...WOW, she is passionate," Hiccup said, a little taken back like everyone else.

Rapunzel couldn't blame them for thinking that way. She was used to her mother's strictness so she kind of expected an outburst.

She takes a double take while brushing her hair back, trying to think through the panic.

... : Hello...

She turns at the voice to see a figure sitting at the base of the stairs to her left, in the dark.

... : Gothel.

Everyone was silent. Eyes squinting at the scene in a worried confusion. This was quite a turn compared to the scene just before. Something was amiss and they didn't like it.

Getting a good look at the mystery man, he didn't seem to be too tall with a hunched back and his attire consisted of robes that looked like they were made from old potato sacks. The robes were such a dull shade of brown, they almost seemed black and he had a hood over his face for no one to see.

Sandy on his end, couldn't help but think of the man's voice. It was silky yet scratchy and dry but why did it sound familiar?

... : Looking fo' something?

Gothel quickly runs to open a drawer and pulls out a knife at the man.

Gothel: Who are you and what have you done with her?

... : Oh, I haven't done anything.

He throws a crumpled paper to Gothel, who catches it and looks from the paper to the man, suspiciously. Not seeing any other options, she unfolds the paper and reads;

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