04 29 2020 11:30 pm

13 1 2

Dear person in the mirror,

I am ashamed of you.
You're the biggest failure I have ever seen.
Words can not describe how much I hate you.
I wanna end u.
You should end it all.
How can you spoil everything - your whole life.
You're holding too much.
You'll never be able to let go.
You're blame too much.
You deserve everything.
The pain.
The nightmares.
The emptiness.
You're the worst person I've ever met.
You're so ugly and fat.
You're still eating - embarrassing.
Fuck you.
You scare me.
I'm afraid of what your capable to do, especially when it's at its worst.

I wish you would disappear for ever.

Yours sincerely,
The person in front of the mirror

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