• Chapter 1 •

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[Third Person's POV]

"[Y/N]! Hurry up! Your cousin is already waiting outside!" Your mom shouted, panicking about you while you were still at your room, putting your new uniform on it.

"I'll be there any second, mom!" You rushed grabbing your bag, heading out of your room and downstairs.

"Oh! Don't forget your lunch, sweetie" She said, handling a light pink bento. You smiled at her, taking your bento from her.

Before you had the chance to sprint to the door, she grabbed you and warmly gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"M-Mom, you don't need to do that" She giggled at your reply, rubbing your head gently.

"Why not? That was a good luck charm" She was still treating you like a little kid.

You instantly hugged her and she did the same. You let go afterwards, heading to the door.

"Be sure to have fun at school!" She proudly told you, and you nodded in agreement. "I will!" closing the door when you head outside.

You looked at your cousin, Shimizu Kiyoko who was waiting for you all along.

"I'm sorry if I took so long" rubbing the nape of your neck, she chuckled and fixed your hair as it was messy when your mom ruined it earlier.

'Kiyoko is a beautiful and kind person as always. She's already a third year at Karasuno while me, of course a first year. She was my favorite cousin of all, and she even treated me like I'm her little sister. Such a goddess.'

"No worries. Anyway, are you ready?" Hearing the question from your cousin made your heart panic, as well as your mind. You weren't ready after all.

"N-Not really, but I'm looking forward to meet the others" You nervously replied and she chuckled, patting your back gently.

"Alright then, let's go" You nodded and both of you walked at the side street.

The school wasn't that far from yours, especially to Kiyoko since your house was just beside to hers.


After a short-long walk, both of you finally arrived at Karasuno. You gulped in nervousness, holding the part of her uniform and she looked at you cluelessly.

"What's the matter, [Y/N]?" She worriedly asked and you looked back at her, with your nervous face.

"I-I'm so nervous" Looking back at the ground. She held your hand with her warm and soft hand in order for you to calm down.

"Don't be. Besides, I'm here as always [Y/N]" You slightly blush to her comment, she was smiling at you and it made your heart so warm from her sweet and loving smile.

You both stopped at another building beside the school, which is the gym. Before she open the doors, you interrupted her by asking a question.

"Why are we here by the way?" Tilting your head to her and she looked back at you.

"I'll be doing an attendance at the volleyball club" You were still clueless to her words, didn't know what she means.

'Attendance? At the volleyball club? Is she some sort of leader or something?' You thought to yourself as she opens the door.

You were expecting the players to be girls, but this shocked you after your expectations were wrong.

"KIYOKO!!" A bald guy, who suddenly screamed and sprinting towards Shimizu.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now