• Chapter 10 •

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After arriving at the food court for minutes, you and the tall blonde sat down at a nearby bench while waiting for the others to come.

"Hey, isn't it a bit too early?" you titled your head to him, with his eyebrow raising up as he glance down at you.

"Well, it's not my fault that you're the one who wanted to come here this early" he said, putting his Somy headphones around his head and crossed his arms, looking at the crowd inside the mall.

You pouted at him, sighing in disappointment afterwards.

You nuzzle the teddy bear in your hands for a while, nothing else to do.

Tsukishima, who was sitting beside you was an inch away from you. He didn't care about you at all..or is it?

Both of you exactly look like in a relationship that just got on a date for the first time.

As the crowded got much worse, a lot of people are already sitting at the bench who are somehow tired and all the benches got full except the one you're sitting with right now.

Suddenly, a person who wears a mask and a hat sat beside you which makes you move to Tsukishima's side.

Your thigh touches his, making you blush a little bit more and nuzzling your stuff toy deeper.

The tall blonde was about to move to the other side but another same random person came and sat beside him, which makes the two of you touches each other's side.

The red blush from your cheeks got even worse, you shake your head a bit trying to fade the blush away.

You can feel being squished by two people between you and it made you uncomfortable and embarrass.

Suddenly, the tall blonde excuses himself to the random person beside him as he stood up.

Grabbing your wrist while the other hand was holding the stuff toy.

He made you stood up and walked away from the bench.

Little did you know, that the two random persons were the captain and the setter who were wearing different clothes and smirking at each other.

The blush didn't even fade away, the tall blonde was holding your wrist. The two of you started walking away

Until he started gripping it for no reason as his face turn into a scrowl one, forgetting that the wrist he was holding was yours.

The more he grips your wrist, the more you get pain.

Your face was also in a complete pain, trying to stop him as you called his name.

"I-it hurts, Tsukishima! Y-you're hurting me!" you yelled at him.

He snapped back to reality, looking back at you that he can tell pain from your face.

He stopped and let go of you, staring at your wrist that became reddish.

You started rubbing your wrist with your other hand as you held the stuff toy under your armpit, letting out a soft hiss.

All of the sudden again, he gently hold your wrist where he gripped it.

He felt worried for you just now.

"Are you okay?" he softly asked, making your eyes widened and blush red.

Tsukishima kept on observing your wrist if the pain from it still hurts.

'Is this..Tsukishima's other side that I don't know?' you thought, staring at his worried and caring eyes.

"T-tsukishima.." you said, as both of your gazes landed to each other.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now