• Chapter 17 •

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You saw the tall blonde, sitting on the examination bed with much injuries around his legs and arms with a dark bruise on his left eye.

You can also tell the deep pain on his face, clenching his teeth and teary eyes were about shut.

He was gripping his right arm, and it looks like the most painful part to his body.

Sensei Takeda told your cousin immediately to contact his mom, but there was no respond and decided to call the tall blonde's older brother instead.

The room inside the infirmary was very in a deep rush and worrying about how bad Tsukishima's injuries are.

You didn't know what was happening inside but suddenly your heart was aching so bad that you can also feel his pain, all you can think right now is the tall blonde with a lot of worries.

Kiyoko was about to walk out, when you hurriedly run back to your room as soon as possible that you didn't want to see her outside.

She noticed you running back, letting out a deep sigh and putting up her phone beside her ear, trying to get a better signal outside of the infirmary.

After opening the door and heading inside the room where you slept last night, you closed it instantly and trying to catch your breath.

You grip your shirt on your chest, still breathing heavily and heart aching helplessly.

'W-what happened to him? W-why does he have so much injuries? Tsukishima..' you grip your shirt harder with teeth clenching.

'Was it because of last night? No, there could be other reasons except with that..' you walked around circles inside the room, panicking and worrying so much to the tall blonde.

'Did he like, got attack by an animal or something? Or like he fell down the stairs, or..' worries were filled inside your mind.

'What happened to you, Tsukishima?'

~Last night~

After both of you and the tall blonde said good night to each other with a hug, he quietly left with his hands on his pockets.

"Oi, four eyes" a sudden voice came out of nowhere to the right side of the hallway.

He stopped walking, giving a glare to nekoma's captain who is leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

He has been listening to your conversation with the tall blonde, also shooting him with a dark glare.

"What?" the tall blonde calmly said.

"What's your relationship with [Y/N]?" the nekoma's captain said, making the tall blonde raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't have a relationship with her, why do you care about it?" he continued to walk away and not want to listen his answer back.

"Listen, you may not know this but she's a childhood friend of mine who I've known her whole life much more than you do." he lied about his friendship with you even both of you aren't close , making Tsukishima stop again.

"I don't want to start a fight or something but, if I were you I'd stay away from her" Kuroo followed quietly him and stop behind, with his hands on his waist.

The tall blonde look back at him once again with a much more deeper glare giving him, as the nekoma's captain did the same.

"What do you want?-" the tall blonde asked, confronting his whole body to the nekoma's captain.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now