• Chapter 7 •

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(Third Person's POV)

It was now friday and it rained again, but you didn't mind how bad the weather was since you love cold days.

After getting ready school and kissed your mom goodbye, you went out of your house with the umbrella your holding on your hand.

Kiyoko was there outside the gate, giving you a cute little peace sign after seeing you.

It melted your heart from the cuteness of your cousin, you admitted to yourself that your cousin is way prettier than you but you weren't jealous of her anyway.

Both of you started walking to school while talking and laughing to each other.

"Huh? Isn't that [L/N] and Kiyoko?" Yamaguchi ask Tsukishima beside him, pointing at the two of you.

Tsukishima was holding an umbrella with a cute red dinosaur design while Yamaguchi's umbrella color was the same as his hair.

He didn't answer his question and just stared at you and Kiyoko walking off to school while they were at the alley, also walking.

The two started walking behind the both of you and Kiyoko, didn't notice them as you were focus to your cousin talking random stuffs.

Tsukishima's gaze were lock on you, the way he looks at you made him even more calmer.

The way you completely smile up to your cousin with full of happiness and joy within, and the way you put your hair behind your ear made him blush lightly.

He immediately look away from you, still blushing then Yamaguchi notice him.

"Tsukki? Are you okay?" he asked to him worriedly.

"Don't mind me.." he answered in his deep tone, still looking away and blushing.

"O-Okay" Yamaguchi stuttered, looking back in front of him and still walking beside each other.


When you and Kiyoko arrive at school, both of you walk to the gym and she opened the doors.

Surprisingly, the two loud second years ran towards door as they saw both of you coming inside.

"KIYOKO SAN!! [Y/N] SAN!!" Tanaka and Noya shouted, who was about to jump and hug the two of you. You were terrified and got startled again by their reactions.

Thankfully, Daichi grab their collars before they could even do it and scolded them again just like yesterday.

You couldn't do anything but laugh in front of them, Kiyoko looks at you seeing how happy you are today.

The captain drag them back to the corner, helplessly while you and Kiyoko continue to step inside.

After that funny incident, you suddenly heard footsteps behind you as if it was someone you closely know, you thought.

You look behind with your eyes widened, it was Yamaguchi smiling at you and Tsukishima, giving a disgust face at you.

You rolled your eyes at him as you didn't care and walk to the bench inside the gym.

After sitting down beside Kiyoko, you saw Suga walking towards the two of you.

You greeted them as they greeted you back, with a big grin on your face.

"So, are you two still going out to the mall tomorrow?" Suga ask, with his other eyebrow raising up.

"Yep, did the others agree to go with us too?" your cousin said, making Suga nodding his head.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now