• Chapter 8 •

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After that trouble, it was now lunch time and was still raining heavily outside.

You were still shivering a bit as you stood up, grabbing your bag and slinging it to your shoulder.

Tsukishima watched you walking to the door slowly and he sigh, still smirking.

'What a troublemaker.'

You were walking in a weird way at the hallway, and many students who passed by glance at you and murmured to each other.

When you arrive in front of the gymnasium's door, your legs were shaking a lot and you fell down from your weak part.

Your leg was at the side of your thigh while the other one was at the opposite as it was bending.

You were still shivering and traumatize just because of the scary aura that your teacher gave you earlier.

Suddenly, someone opened the door in front of you and called out your name.

It was your cousin, she immediately bend down at you and helped you get up.


"What happened to her?" Daichi ask Kiyoko, who was sitting beside you at the bench, putting her arms around your shoulder.

"She's not even answering or responding" she said, and glance back at you worriedly.

You were frozen from your position right now with a traumatize face, not making any movements.

All of them except Tsukishima were there in front of you, who were also worried at your condition.

"Are you okay, [Y/N] San?" Noya said, panicking around you.

"D-Don't be afraid, [Y/N] San! Your senpais are here!" Tanaka joined in, pointing at himself and to Noya too.

"Who did this to you, [Y/N] Chan?" Hinata said, but you just look at him with the exact same face, he got startled from your look afterwards.

Suddenly, someone step inside and everyone look at the person.

It was Tsukishima holding beside the door, his eyebrows raised up in confusion when everyone was staring at him.

"Wha-" he was cut off the words by Noya and Tanaka as they ran over towards him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO [Y/N] SAN, TSUKISHIMA?!" Noya shouted at him instantly.

"H-Huh? How would I know?" he nervously said, dropping a sweat from his cheek.

"BOTH OF YOU ARE IN THE SAME CLASS, I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER" Tanaka joined in as well, making Tsukishima startled a bit.

Tsukishima excuse himself from the two, as he walks towards where everyone was gathering around you.

"Oi, shortie! What the hell happened to you?" he rudely said, getting a smack from the head by Noya.

"TALK TO HER LIKE A GENTLEMAN" he shouted again, also receiving a pinch in the ear by Daichi.

"Keep on shouting and I'll pinch your ear even harder" Noya gets in pain as he begs the captain to stop already, and he did.

You shake your head, going back to reality again and saw Tsukishima standing in front of you.

"You're the one who got me in trouble, slenderman!" you hissed at him, hugging Kiyoko gently.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now