• Chapter 13 •

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"Ne Tsukki" the tall blonde's childhood friend called his name beside him.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were jogging at the park early at 4 o'clock.

"What?" the tall blonde ask out of curiosity to him.

"Can I ask you a question? I hope this doesn't bother you" Yamaguchi said as Tsukishima nodded lightly, not looking at him and straight staring at the road.

"Do you like [L/N]?" he asked softly, looking up to the tall blonde.

Tsukishima suddenly stopped jogging as his childhood friend also did the same behind him.

"Does that really matter?" he said in his deep tone with a death glare away from him, making Yamaguchi confused.

"W-what do you mean, Tsukki?" he stuttered, expecting for the tall blonde to ignore him after but turns out he was wrong.

"Tch, why would I like that brat anyway?" he sigh afterwards, grabbing his phone inside his dark jogging pants at his pockets, changing the music as it was connected to his Somy headphones around his neck.

"But it seems like you do. I-I mean! I remember when we went to the mall, then you kind of got interested into her of all the sudden." Yamaguchi said, as the tall blonde stopped what he was doing in his phone and stared at it.

"And I also caught you sometimes looking at her for no reason, that's why I thought..

.. that you wanted to spend time with her more."

Tsukishima started to flashback his good memories with you.

That time where both of you spend much more time together at the mall, talking to each other alone at the balcony on Daichi's house,

And that night where you first kissed him on his cheek, and many more.

His cheeks were about to go red and was about to smile, but didn't continue it and instead he frowned lightly, coming up with a sad mind.

"I don't like anyone, including her" he clenched his phone in anger, lying to himself and to his childhood friend.

"She'll end up falling in love with someone else anyway.." he muttered, making Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as he didn't heard him.

He finally picked a song from his phone, putting up his white Somy headphones and started jogging again, leaving Yamaguchi in surprise.

'Just a little more time, [L/N]. Just a little bit more' Yamaguchi thought in his mind with a worried looking face.

He does of course support for his childhood friend after what the tall blonde did something nice to him when they were little.

"W-wait up, Tsukki!" he shouted his name, jogging and following behind the tall blonde again.


Later on, you exactly woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning, it was a good thing that you weren't all tired or else you'll fell asleep later at class again.

You sat up and heard your phone vibrated above the side table beside your bed.

You quickly grab it, hoping it was your cousin and your hopes were true after all.

(5:01 AM, Wednesday)

Kiyoko: Are you up?

[Y/N]: Yep, I just woke up actually

Kiyoko: That's great then, I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up right now little [Y/N]

"Aww, she called me little. What a great cousin I have~" you purred and felt your heart warming to the messages of your cousin.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now