• Chapter 11 •

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After that small vacation, It's back to monday again which made you feel lazy to go to school.

You woke up from the sudden ring from your alarm clock, sitting down and stretching your arms as you yawn and still feel tired.

"[Y/N]! Someone is waiting for you at the door!" you heard your mom's shout from your door outside, you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

You immediately stood up, walking to the window as you peek a little from the curtains behind it.

It was Yamaguchi standing alone at the front gate, your eyes widened and panicked inside.

'W-what the heck is he doing in here at this hour?! And how does he know that my house is here?!

You quickly grab your towel which is at the corner of your bed, shouting back at your mom after opening the bathroom door to the outside.

"Give me 10 minutes to get ready mom!" slamming the door inside the bathroom in a hurry.

~After 20 minutes~

After getting horribly ready that you couldn't even arrange your hair properly including your uniform, you head down stairs afterwards with the shoes putting on to your feet beside the door.

Your expectations made your heart much faster, knowing that Yamaguchi has been standing outside for so many minutes had passed just to wait for you to go outside.

You opened the door, trying to calm yourself down and putting up with a normal smile on your face.

To your surprise, it wasn't Yamaguchi who is standing in front of your doorway.

It was the tall blonde, with his hands at his pockets and glaring down at you quietly.

The red blush from your cheeks came out of nowhere, panicking much more inside of you.

He suddenly chuckled, looking down to your uniform and covering his mouth as he looked away from you afterwards.

You raised an eyebrow in confusion, also looking down at your uniform.

The 2 buttons from it aren't buttoned yet, which it nearly reveals your bare chest and bra.

You quickly turned to your back, buttoning the buttons to your uniform and still panicking in embarrassment.

After that, you couldn't even look at him in the face anymore after what just happened seconds ago.

'Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing! Where is Yamaguchi anyway? I thought I saw him earlier? Is this some sort of prank or something?!' you kept on panicking as your mind is about to blow up soon.

"Oi, come on. I came here to pick you up because your cousin told me to" he said with a sigh in the end, glancing back at him with an eyebrow raised.

"That's strange, is she absent again?" you pouted to his words, nearly made him smile to your cuteness.

"Nah. I passed by her earlier, told me she was busy and wanted me to came here instead" he said with his deep lovingly voice.

"O-oh. I thought Yamaguchi was here, because I saw him earlier at my window?" you asked, tilting your head at him.

"H-he actually left to school after I followed him here" he stuttered, like he was secretly planning something to you.

"I see, so shall we go to school now?" you asked politely, as he nodded in agreement.

After you closed the door, you were now standing in front of him much closer which made your heart pounded faster.

He didn't move a single inch away from you, he suddenly started moving his hands towards your hair as he properly arranges it.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now