• Chapter 18 •

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~Next Day~

You and your cousin are sitting on the bench inside the gymnasium, watching the teams practicing.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she worriedly asked beside you, gently putting her hand on your shoulder.

"It's just..I miss Tsukishima" you gave her a warm smile and a lightly blush.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, but for now, he's at the hospital resting" she said, trying to cheer you up.

You look down, expecting for the tall blonde to come back maybe next week or a few more since his injuries are really bad.

"He'll return soon, [Y/N]. Don't overthink too much" she said, giving you the best smile that she could give you.

"Thanks for comforting me, Kiyoko. At least I'm not alone because you're here with me" both of you chuckled out of joy.

"It's my pleasure, I'm your cousin after all" she patted your head gently, like a little sister and you nodded at her in agreement.

"[Y/N]!" both of you and Kiyoko heard an familiar voice coming towards your back.

You look at your back to see where the voice was and it was Kuroo, waving at you and completely ignored your cousin.

When he was now standing in front of your way, you noticed that there was a slightly looking bruise on his cheek that was covering under his hair.

"Can I talk to you in private?" he pointed his thumb towards the door, and you look back to your cousin.

She look back at you, avoiding his gaze as both of them did.

"I can wait here" she whispered softly, you nodded and stood up, walking with the nekoma's captain towards the door.

Kiyoko stared to the two of you going out, when the smile from her face suddenly fainted away.

'[Y/N]..' she worriedly thought of you, because she already knew what kind of person who Kuroo is.

The both of you walked on the same hallway as yesterday, talking and laughing to each other while walking slowly.

When you saw his bruise again, as the wind passes by and his hair was waving by it, you decided to asked him this time.

"By the way, what's that on your cheek?" you pointed towards his face, his eyes widened and touched where the bruise is.

He stopped, as you did as well and glancing at his cheek, waiting for his answer.

"It's just..I got hit by a ball while practicing" he calmly said, smirking nervously at you.

"Eh? that's odd, maybe the ball must've got it so hard" you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah.." he muttered, scratching his cheek on purpose and groaned slightly to make you worry for him.

"A-are you okay? does it hurt?" you immediately walk up to his face to see his bruise.

He suddenly grab you waist closely as both of your bodies were touched to each other.

You blushed to see what he's doing, he gently place his thumb on your chin and his face was leaning down to yours to give you a kiss on the lips.

"I've always wanted you, [Y/N]" he muttered, making your eyes widened as you tried pushing him away.

"K-kuroo, I don't understand you" you stared at his gaze, and he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" he asked, finally letting you go and look away from him.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now