• Chapter 12 •

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Today is a frustrating day, the examination day where you didn't have enough time to study enough.

And it is just an half day, once the exams are finish in the morning everyone is now allow to go home in the afternoon.

You were so nervous and feared that you may fail one subject out of all in advance, you didn't want to because as you thought you're too perfectionist.

After arriving at school earlier with your cousin, you got even more nervous.

But you're also a negative person too much, and over thinking a lot than others expected.

Before you went to your class, both of you and Kiyoko went to the gym with the doors are already open.

You didn't hear any sound of the balls striking at the ground or playing some.

You decided to peek quietly at the door while your cousin grab her shoes at the shoe rack.

While peeking outside the door, the raven hair and the shrimp are just getting started studying, with the bald and the libero in front of them.

"Oi! Where have you guys been last night?" Tanaka said with his hands at his waist.

"Both of you seriously didn't study? you're making this difficult for us" Noya joined, with a worried face.

"I-I'm sure we'll pass this!" Hinata said, continuing writing all the notes that the two second years gave them.

"The exams will start any minute, you guys should get going now" the bald said in disappointment, leaving the two first years still in fear.

"Please just give us a little more time to study!" the raven hair begged to the second years, with the shrimp also beside him.

"Fine. Since both of us are your senpais, we'll let you do it" Tanaka proudly said, making the other two happy.

You giggled to them, also hoping for the two first years to pass the examinations.

"Let's go?" your cousin said who came up to you, standing up properly and nodding at her.

But that stopped the both of you when the two seconds years saw Kiyoko and came running, shouting her and your name.

Before the crazy second years did it, your cousin closed the door immediately causing them to get hit hard at the door with a big bang sound afterwards.

'Sheesh, that hurts so bad' you thought to yourself, chuckling at your thoughts.

"They'll be fine, let's go" she said, as you chuckled one last time and nodded to her in agreement.

After arriving at your classroom first, you wave goodbye to your cousin as she did the same to you.

You step in as the bell rang in time, letting out a sigh of relief after.

You walk to your desk, with the tall blonde who is beside you staring at the beautiful view beside the window.

He was very quiet and calm today, expecting that he will pass through that exams at his thought.

"Oi Tsukishima, did you study for today's examination?" you sat at your chair after, turning his head to you with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, have you?" he asked in his deep tone, making you blush lightly from your cheeks.

"I-I did! Good luck to you and the others from the gym, I'm really hoping that everyone will pass so that they can also go to tokyo" you grin at him, also making him blush lightly and nodded agreeing with you.

Can't Help Falling In Love {Kei Tsukishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now