Chapter 1

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A/n republish; nothing major, just deleting and rephrasing some parts


Hyunjin was an only child. Contradictory with his appearance that screamed popular boy in school, he was in fact a quiet boy that would take seat in the corner of the first row in every class.

Honestly speaking, it was hard for Hyunjin to open up with someone. Not to mention he also had an over protective mother, which only made it harder for him to befriend anyone, especially because his mother did not allow him to join what she called as "unnecessary activities after school".

In conclusion, his whole life revolved around the words "school", "home", and "study". What made it worse, this cycle kept repeating until he was graduated from middle school.

Luckily, one week before the school started, a family decided to buy the house next to Hyunjin's. His mother told him that the family had one boy around Hyunjin's age and would attend the same high school as him.

"Can I befriend him, mom?"

It was not like Hyunjin was not mature enough to take decision by himself. Ironically, it was how his unconscious mind controlled his actions sometimes, especially after being treated with countless and overly protective manner by his mother.


The digital clock showed 9 PM and Hyunjin was ready to go to sleep. However, a faint "hi" was heard when he was about to close the curtains of the window doors in his room. He instinctively hid himself before taking a look at the house next to him.

He saw a figure smiling and waving at him from one of the rooms in his neighbor's house.

Hyunjin smiled and waved shyly, making the neighbor giggle. He could not hear his voice clearly so he opened the window doors before walking to his room terrace.

"Hi!" Hyunjin's neighbor said, earning another small wave from Hyunjin.

His mother said that he should not stare at someone for too long since it was impolite.

However, Hyunjin could not help but look at the figure in awe for at least four seconds. He was gorgeous in a black sleeveless, revealing his muscular and veiny arms perfectly. Not to mention his natural curly hair and his dimples that appeared when he smiled making him look even more stunning.

"So ummm we just moved here this morning."

The statement from his neighbor brought him back from his train of thought and Hyunjin immediately averted his eyes to the ground, feeling shy for the obvious reason.

"What's your name?" the neighbor asked after a while, screaming the question a little.

Not trusting his voice, Hyunjin brought a book from his study table and wrote his name on it.

"That's a pretty name."

"Thank you." Hyunjin said in a small voice.

The neighbor chuckled, "you're cute. My name is Bang Chan by the way."

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