Chapter 19

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It was nearly 6 PM when Jisung woke up. Hyunjin, as usual, spooned him protectively, making him hard to move. It was warm, tempting him to fall back to sleep but he was hungry at the same time. They have not eaten anything since lunch after all.

"Jinnie, wake up. I'm hungry." Jisung said after turning his body around, facing the breathtaking sleeping figure in front of him.

After trying to wake him up for a couple of times, Hyunjin finally opened his eyes. Stupid smile plastered on his face before he kissed the younger chastely, hovering over him in the process.

Jisung stopped his whine and returned the kiss, humming when the older inserted his tongue inside his mouth.

Seconds later, they stopped making out and just stared at each other.

"Does your body feel alright?" Hyunjin asked with a concerned tone. "Do you need some ointment?"

Jisung shook his head to the side. "You did it gently. Don't worry too much."

Hyunjin smiled at that then slumped half of his body down gently on top of the younger, legs entangled, cuddling him like usual.

Jisung just let out a chuckle, feeling amused by the older's soft and clingy habit which almost made him forget about his unexpected naughty side that actually existed two hours ago.

Roaming his eyes around Hyunjin's room, Jisung's lips turned upward. Several weeks after he "met" Hyunjin, he started to picture how Hyunjin's room would look like solely from those lovely encounters. But, it was quite different from what he had in mind.

Just like the other parts of the house, achromatic color dominated the older's room as well; the furniture would mostly in white, black, or gray. Something that coloured the almost-looking-lifeless room was rows of movie CD that neatly placed inside a glass cupboard.


"Yea?" Hyunjin responded, looking up at the younger with sleepy eyes.

"Want to hear something unbelievable?"

"Like what? Your lame ghost stories?" Hyunjin jokingly stated and laughed at his own joke, making Jisung deadpan. "I'm sorry, Hannie. Go on." He said after a while.

Bringing the older's left hand, Jisung then played with his pinky finger. "Someone told me that there's this invisible string circling around our pinky finger and it connects directly to our soulmate."

Hyunjin knew for a fact that when Jisung did not work on his assignment or study, he would spend his time to read some novels or watch videos on YouTube. But hearing him share what he found from them would always be one of the younger's charming points, or maybe it was because Hyunjin just loved listening to the younger's soothing voice in general.

"That's cute. But, even if we've found them, how do we know they're the right one?"

"Well... I don't know honestly. I once asked my parents about that though, but they just say something like 'you just knew it once you found them'. It's stupid I know, but I hope that answers your question."

Hyunjin hummed, oddly enough, he was satisfied with the vague answer. "Do you believe it then? About the string and the soulmate thingy?"

"I do." Jisung replied while looking at the older's eyes.

Hyunjin could not put his finger on it, but he was certain that there was something more behind those two words. But he decided to brush it off.

"Another random question, if you were an animal, what would that be?" The younger asked, bringing Hyunjin back from his train of thought.

"Um... a cocoon."

"Interesting. Why?"

"Well... because I still don't know what I wanna do with my life or at least what I want to be... But even if I do, I don't know if I'll do it right."

"You're not alone, Jinnie. I feel the same as well. And that's totally fine. Life... isn't a competition. There will be time for everything to take place. But when that time comes, believe in yourself and do it confidently. The outcome... well, it doesn't have to be successful. We can learn from failure too." Jisung answered, while stroking the older's hair.

"Well said, Han." Hyunjin teased. But he knew damn well that the younger's words were true and it actually enlightened him, easing his mind more than he expected.

Before Jisung had a chance to reply, a knock on the door was heard.

"Hyunjin, sweetie?"

Hyunjin got up from his bed and walked toward the door. His mother engulfed him in a warm hug as soon as the older opened it, making him giggle, but hugged back right away.

"Hi, mom." Hyunjin said, still embracing his dearly mother.

"My baby. You finally come home."

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes playfully at that. "I haven't left for even a month, mom." He said and kissed her cheek gently to subtly shut her up from whining.

"I bring Jisung too." Hyunjin announced.

"Hello, Mrs. Hwang."

"Oh hello, sweetheart. Didn't see you there, I'm sorry." Hyunjin's mother said. "Dinner will be prepared in an hour. So better be there on time, okay?" She added.

Both Hyunjin and Jisung nodded their head before watching her leave the room.

That evening, Jisung had dinner with Hwang's family. Hyunjin's father joined them a little bit late, but he still managed to greet and talk with the younger.

It was a nice day. Even when cold sweat suddenly spread over his palm and rolled down his back from the obvious reason, it was still a nice day for Jisung.

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