Chapter 15

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A/n Jisung's look on this picture is *chef's kiss*


One week later

Hyunjin has been studying hard to improve his English in the past few days, especially because he would have a speaking test next week.

To say he was nervous was an understatement. He oftentimes would not find any trouble when the test was a written form, but having the spoken one was undeniably challenging.

Since Jisung has lived in Malaysia and participated in a school exchange program to Australia, his speaking ability in English was fluent and the younger did not mind to help Hyunjin to practice.

Jisung also has convinced Hyunjin numerous times that he did a great job. But, every time the older forgot some words which made him halt his speech, he would scold himself over and over again.

As time went by, Hyunjin gradually showed some improvements and he noticed that. But, he still spent his time to practice, even when it was his birthday at the moment.

Jisung knew that day was the older's birthday. Honestly speaking, he really wanted to make some birthday surprises along with his dorm mates to cheer Hyunjin up, but Hyunjin was too engrossed in studying that the younger would feel bad if he distracted him.

That was why Jisung decided to leave the dorm and let the older to have the room by himself so he could concentrate more in practicing his English.

Jisung was heading to a supermarket now while thinking about some food that could easily be made only by using a microwave. After some consideration, he settled with making some chicken quesadilla and hoped that it would cheer the older's up.

He had actually prepared a gift for the older too. It was nothing special, just a necklace that he thought it would suit Hyunjin. But, he decided to give him later after the older did the test.


It was dinner time when the younger finished preparing the food. After separating some pieces for Sunwoo and Eric, Jisung knocked on their door.

"You better have good reason to wake me up from my beauty sleep." Sunwoo jokingly threatened.

Jisung just handed a plate with two large pieces of quesadilla that have been cut into a half to the older. He knew that Sunwoo could be so loud when he got free food so the younger made a gesture to not let out series of screams. Thankfully, the older was smart enough to catch up.

"Share it with Eric." The younger stated before turning his body around and stepping inside his shared room.

After closing the door, Jisung walked toward Hyunjin who was sitting in a chair, silently writing some notes.

"Have some. Studying is good but you still need something to eat." Jisung reminded the older.

Hyunjin smiled. "Thank you. You're such a life safer."

Jisung just hummed at that then proceeded to massage the older's shoulders gently, making Hyunjin released a satisfied sigh unknowingly.

"How's your progress?"

"I'm quite confident now, but I'm still scared I'll forget what I've learned so far."

"You'll do a great job tomorrow. I'm pretty sure of that." Jisung reassured.


Jisung has gone to sleep one hour earlier. He was sleeping peacefully and curling up his body like usual on Hyunjin's bed. At this point, removing the younger's bed from the room might not be a problem since he really never used it anyway.

Truth be told, he wanted to make the younger his. What they have done since a week ago certainly not what two best friends would do.

But, oddly enough, it was as if a silent agreement between two; they did not need to say it verbally to realize that they had feeling toward each other. But, Hyunjin knew that it was still necessary to confess; he just did not know how to say it, yet.

Feeling someone spooned him from behind made Jisung stirred in his sleep and woke him up.


"Hm? Go back to sleep." The older responded as he kissed the younger's nape lightly.

"Happy birthday, Hyunnie."

Hyunjin halted his action and chuckled, he thought the younger forgot.

"Thank you." The older stated then interlocked their fingers.

That night, Hyunjin got a good night sleep he deserved after a long exhausting day of practicing.

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