Extra #2

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A/n republish; nothing major, just correcting the month and the year


March 2018

Jisung and his father were sitting in the living room, accompanied by the ticking clock sound. His father's facial expression was unreadable, so the squirrel like boy decided to wait for him to finally speak.

"I... Your mother and I, we're sorry for hiding this." He started. "It was a dreadful memory. Not only for us, but for them as well."

"So... it's true?"

"It is. I'm really sorry, my son."

"It's... I don't know what to feel right now, but don't apologize, Dad. It's okay. It's all in the past now."

His father smiled, feeling grateful that his son was understanding toward the situation.

"Do you... in any chance know them, Dad?"

"We do. We still send letter to each other, sometimes have a phone call as well. With the father, I mean. He's a successful man, he runs business in South Korea."

"Can I send... letter to him too?"

"Of course. I'm sure he'll be happy to receive one... You both may never meet each other, but he always sounds so happy whenever he calls and asks about you. He says he's grateful that you're growing up well."

Jisung blinked his eyes. The words sounded so familiar; probably because Jinyoung also said the same to him.


"Yes, son?"

"Is it okay if I want to continue my study in South Korea?"

"Of course. Just study hard. I know you'll make it."

"Thank you, Dad."


July 2018

"Hi, hyung." Jisung greeted after he placed some fresh Daffodils into the vase on the grave.

"It's been a while, huh?" He smiled. "I feel stupid for not thanking you enough, so I decided to come."

"I think your guess is true. I mean, the reason why we met maybe because of Hyunjin. I'm not talking about the red string thingy though, no." He unknowingly blushed.

"Uh... I've changed my mind to continue my study in South Korea instead of Australia. Please pray for me, hyung."

Letting his eyes wander around the cemetery, Jisung inhaled a deep breath. "It's summer now and I stupidly wear black clothes." He chuckled. "But I'll eat Nagashi Somen* after this. I hope you've once eaten it with your family too."

(A/n one of Japanese cold noodles types)

"Also, I hope... I can meet Hyunjin too, one day. But no matter what, I promise I'll visit often, hyung."


April 2018 - March 2019

Shiver ran down his spine as soon as he saw rows of grave right in front of him. Pinching his cheek, he grimaced, he knew he was dreaming, yet he did not why he still could feel the sting sensation on his beloved cheek.

"Jinyoung hyung?" He called. "Are you here?" He gulped. His questions were loud enough, but he only got silence in return.

"Why is it always like this?" He complained to no one in particular.

Challenging himself, he decided to stroll around the cemetery, knowing that he might not wake up anytime soon. Seconds later, he instinctively yelped when he heard someone's voice from a distance.

Peeking through one of the tomb stones, he saw someone around his age trying to enter the cemetery gate. He did not know why, but he could not just take his eyes off the said boy. He looked beyond handsome. Ethereal if he must say.

When the boy, that he assumed as Jinyoung's younger brother gave up trying to open the gate and left, Jisung followed him silently.

The squirrel like boy let out a little cough, even called the other boy several times but he kept walking.

"Did he ignore me?" He mumbled in annoyance.

Not giving up, he increased his pace, trying to walk next to the boy. Jisung could see that the boy noticed his presence now, so he asked him some questions.

"Are you Jinyoung hyung's younger brother?"

His lips formed a straight thin line when the other boy did not answer.

"Uh... my name is Han Jisung."

No answer.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" He unintentionally yelled.

Seconds later, he finally turned his head. To say the squirrel like boy was in awe was an understatement. He felt like everything came into a halt for a second as he saw the boy's face. Unluckily, he suddenly disappeared into a thin air right after that and Jisung was woken up as well.

"What the fuck just happened?!"

Since then on, he kept having the same recurring dream. He never once met Jinyoung again, so he needed to comprehend the situation by himself.

He learned that Hyunjin, the boy's name, was indeed Jinyoung's younger brother. He also learned the fact that both of them could not communicate with each other, just simply enjoyed the company. But it seemed like it was not a problem for them.

He was actually wondering if Hyunjin could hear him as well, but as time went by, he realized that it was only him who had the privilege to listen to the other's voice. It was saddening though; he wanted Hyunjin to know that he was listening and willing to give him some comfort too. Unfortunately, he could not.

What made it worse was the fact that every time the older tried to see his face, they both would abruptly be woken up from the dream and needed to wait for another night to be able to "meet".

One day though, he could not contain his happiness after Hyunjin thanked him for accompanying him during those nights, so he dared himself to hold the older's hand and gave it a light squeeze, saying he did not need to thank him.

A soft gasp left the older's mouth right after that, so Jisung assumed he could hear his voice just now.

Hyunjin did not bother to turn his head to the side though, knowing they would abruptly be woken up if he did that. So he chose to smile instead, secretly hoping the other would know how thankful he was for the answer.

The smile, it was not even more than three seconds, yet the time seemed to stop for a while as the younger adored it. Oh how he wished he could witness it in real life.

Then when the squirrel like boy eventually woke up from such sweet and memorable dream that one particular day, he finally realized that he had fallen in love with the boy he only met in his dream.

That one particular day, was the same day as fate made his wish to finally come true.

Tangled Red String [Hyunsung] ✓Where stories live. Discover now