Chapter 14

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A/n republish; nothing major, just deleting some parts


Feeling something heavy lay on his body, Jisung slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them with the back of his hand. As soon as his eyes adapted to his surrounding, he could not contain his smile when he looked at the figure that slept peacefully on top of him.

Honestly speaking, it was cute how Hyunjin always acted like a little spoon when they were cuddling to the point Jisung almost thought that he was a bottom despite having a bigger and taller body. Not to mention his usual shy demeanor and spoiled side when they were together kind of misled the younger too. But last night, he has proved it wrong.

In his past relationships, strange as it might sound, but Jisung was always being the top. However, if Hyunjin and he were in a real relationship, he would not mind to switch the role. There was a first time for everything after all.

It was almost 6 AM when Jisung woke up. He spent several minutes to admire the older before deciding to get up and taking a shower. It was hard to release his body from Hyunjin's protective grip though, but he managed to do it.


Jisung was not someone who would take more than ten minutes inside a shower stall and as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom, he made a beeline to the living room. In that fine morning, he planned to make four mugs of omelette for him and his dorm mates.

Jisung was only wearing a grey bath towel that hugged tightly his delicate small waist as he prepared the breakfast. He was aware of hickeys that littered on his neck, but he did not even bother to cover it up.

If anything, he wanted to show it off.

Sunwoo's and Eric's room door opened when Jisung set the timer on the microwave, making him startle a little bit.

"Woah someone get laid last night~" Eric teased.

"Shut it and just take a shower or I won't give you any breakfast." Jisung threatened and Eric immediately complied, making Jisung chuckle.

While waiting for the breakfast to cook, the squirrel like boy headed to his room to put on some clothes.

The younger expected to see Hyunjin was still sleeping when he opened the door, but it seemed that the older has waken up for a while by now; he was scrolling through his phone while his back leaned on the bed headboard.

Hyunjin's cheeks instantly turned red as he saw the younger, again, without any clothes on his upper body. Not to mention he was only wearing a bath towel too now.

"Seriously, put some clothes on." Hyunjin complained in a hoarse voice, but the younger heard it crystal clear.

In the mood to tease the older, Jisung waddled his way toward the bed and placed himself on the older's thighs. He just giggled when he heard the older whined while closing his eyes tightly.

Placing his palm on the older's jaw and lifting it up a little; Jisung leaned in and connected their lips in a slow passionate kiss and Hyunjin did not waste any second to respond to it.

They halted the kiss for one or two seconds when they needed some air before connecting their lips again. But, the sound of Sunwoo's and Eric's door being opened and closed successfully made them stop their action.

"I'm making an omelette, take a shower first so we can eat it together." Jisung said, receiving a nod from the older.

About forty five minutes later, the four of the dorm mates happily ate the breakfast made by Jisung. They talked about various topics as they devoured the creamy and soft omelette. Thankfully, Eric seemed to notice Jisung's signal to not talk about the hickeys so he did not bring it up during breakfast. 

It was in the middle of March and the weather was mostly still cold, but it became a warm and peaceful morning for the four of them at that moment.


A/n filler chapter~ also, I lost my mind after watching the teaser HELP

A/n filler chapter~ also, I lost my mind after watching the teaser HELP

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