Chapter 10

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Baekhyun and I decided that we would leave at 9am. I packed my backpack and went downstairs where Baek was already waiting for me.

"Ready?", he asked.

"Jepp", I answered.

"Ok this will be a little more dangerous so don't let go ok?", he held out his arm and I slung mine around his while nodding.

We closed our eyes and about three seconds later I heard his voice.

"You can open your eyes now", and so did I.

We were standing on a little path surrounded by grassland. Right in front of us we saw a little village with about 15 houses and behind the village was a forest on a hill. Without wasting time we headed towards the village.

"What if there are humans too?", I asked I mean we couldn't get in there saying 'hey we're vampires and we are looking for a house'.

"Don't worry, a vampire can sense humans and I don't sense any within a two miles radius", he whispered and I laughed.

We reached the village and Baekhyun asked a friendly looking man in his fifties where we could find the house of Jaebum and Kyungmi and the man's eyes immediately grew big.

"You must be Haneul", he said, "of course, of course we've been waiting for so long now"

We were really surprised but we brushed it away. He led us into a building which looked like a bar. We sat down at a table and began talking.

"So you are Jaebum's and Kyungmi's daughter, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Dongwook", he reached out his hand and I shook it, "I was a good friend of you father"

"The pleasure is mine but how do you know me?", I asked.

"Well your parents where really nice people although they weren't vampires. They taught us that not every human is bad and they tried to help us", he smiled sadly.

My heart began beating fast. Help them?

"What did they do?", my voice cracked.

"They wanted to find 'the truth about the great vampire war' but... they never came back", he sighed and his voice cracked too.

Everything was spinning. It was true. It was confirmed. My parents died while searching for 'the truth'. I tried my best not to cry and when the man began to talk again I came back to reality.

"When they went to find 'the truth' they told your siblings to take care of you and they did until one night. They got attacked by some vampires who found out about your parents' plan and because the house was not in the village we didn't realize until it was too late. But we only found the bodies of you siblings so we hoped and prayed that you were alright and one day you would come back", he sighed again.

"Did you... bury my siblings?", I slowly asked.

"Yes, we did I can show you their graves", he offered and we got up.

We went to the graveyard and he led us to the graves.

"And the house of your parents is on the hill", he pointed at the forest behind the village.

"Thanks a lot for you help", Baekhyun bowed and he went back to the village.

I was standing in front of the two gravestones and clenched my fist to keep myself from crying. Both of them had a sentence carved into theirs stones. 'Whatever you do' on my brother's and 'You have to survive' on my sister's. That was what the voice in my dream said to me. So that was my sister. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and fell down on my knees. Baekhyun kneeled down next to me hugging me. I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder while he stroke my hair. After some time I stopped crying and we got up to go to the house. I gave them one last look before heading after Baekhyun. It took us about five minutes to get up the hill. We passed a few trees and saw it, the house where my family lived. It looked a little bit haunted because no one looked after it but that didn't stop us so we entered the front door.

"We should split up", he said.

"I'll go upstairs", I answered.

I felt really strange, everything looked just like in my dream but in older. I entered the small room which belonged to me when I was a baby and started looking through the wardrobe and dresser. I went on to the bedroom of my parents and there was hanging a portrait on the wall, it was from their wedding. I admired the pretty frame which was made of oak and had carvings on it. As I took a closer look I saw that the carvings were the same symbols as on the table and the photo album. On the bottom right corner there was something written in normal letters.

"A medal has two sides...", I read out.

Instinctively I took the heavy picture from the wall, placed it on the bed and turned it around. The back was covered with a brown paper but one thing bothered me. The paper looked like it was brand new, there were no cracks or anything so I took a pocket knife out of my backpack and cut the paper open. I ripped it off and found a book right behind the canvas.

"Baekhyun, I think I found something", I called and he appeared right next to me.

"What is that?", he pointed at the book in my hands.

"I think it's some sort of diary?", I ran a finger over the book.

"Maybe that's the book the letter is from", he said.

"You're right", I said and put it in my backpack.

"Look there's a paper", he said and took it out of the frame, "here are just some numbers"

He handed me the paper and I looked at it. | 74.18. |

"Do you know what that means?", I asked him.

"No, I have absolutely no idea", he shrugged.

"Ok whatever, we have time to figure that out later", I put the paper in my pocket and we kept looking for something helpful.

I went back to the baby's room, actually I was just standing in the doorway because I was thinking. Something was different about the room, like not everything was just like in my dream.

"Why are you just standing there?", Baekhyun asked.

I didn't answer and ran back to the bedroom. I opened every drawer of the dresser and then went to the room which belonged to my sister and did the same thing.

"What are you doing?", Baek came to the room.

"Isn't it weird that neither my mother nor my sister had jewelry or anything like that?", I asked.

"Maybe they didn't put much emphasis on it?", he said.

"But on the picture my mom has a necklace and earrings and I instinctively remember that there were laying some bracelets on the dresser in the baby's room", I explained.

"Maybe your dream wasn't that precise and just filled the rest with pictures", he shrugged.

"No, it was too precise for just putting random stuff there, there's another reason for that", I looked around while thinking.

I slowly walked back to my parents' room and my eyes landed on the nightstand.

"That's it!", I exclaimed.

"What?", Baekhyun looked at me.

"Do you see that?", I pointed at the little drawer of the nightstand, "the keys aren't even, the top one is placed vertically and the bottom one horizontally"

I turned the bottom key and the drawer opened. There was a little chest in it. I took it out and opened it, it was filled with bracelets and necklaces and stuff.

"You found them", he sat on the bed.

"Yeah", I was about to close the drawer when I heard a strange noise, "do you hear that?"

"Hear what?", he asked.

I kept on opening and closing the drawer.

"You're right it sounds like there is still something in it", he said.

"But there isn't", I put my hand into the drawer and that's when I felt something at the back of it, "wait a second"

I took the drawer out of the bracket and there was a little loop. I pulled it and saw that there was a wooden plate used as the floor of the drawer and under that plate there was…

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