Chapter 23

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The light shone right into my face and I blinked a few times. Chanyeol was still sleeping next to me. I leaned on one elbow while checking my phone when I suddenly felt gentle kisses on my shoulder. I smiled at his cute action and looked back at my screen.

"Show me some attention pleaaase", he whined.

"Wait a second", I said but he was faster so he grabbed my phone out of my hand and put it on the nightstand on his side.

"Yaaah", I groaned and turned towards him.

"Stop pouting, it's so cute", he cupped my face.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you excited?", he asked.

"I'm more worried than excited", I sighed and sat up.

He also sat up. He brushed my hair away to get access to my shoulder again. He gently placed his lips on my skin.

"Why are you so affectionate today?", I chuckled.

"Why are you so attractive today?", he smirked against my neck.

"Yaah get off me you flirt", I pushed him away and playfully rolled my eyes, "I will take a shower. Alone"

I heard him silently chuckle while I took my fresh clothes to the bathroom. After 20 minutes I came out and he went to shower. I heard Suho call for breakfast and told Chanyeol to come downstairs when he was finished.

"We're leaving at 12:30, is everyone ok with that?", Suho said and everyone nodded.

After breakfast I went to my room and packed everything regarding the whole vampire thing into my backpack including the photo album. I sat on my bed with the book in my hands and flipped trough the pages. I heard a knock on the door.

"Haneul, are you ready?", Chanyeol's voice was heard.

"Yeah I'm coming", I put the album in my backpack and opened the door to see a happily smiling Chanyeol.

We went downstairs and put on our shoes. After five more minutes everyone was ready. Chanyeol and I went with Baekhyun because we were the ones to make it. We closed our eyes and I opened them again when I felt a cold wind against my face. I expected it to be cold, that's why we had our coats on, because Galdhøpiggen was in Norway but I didn't expect it to be that cold. We were standing on a little path and a few meters away from us there was a hige ice wall which looked like the entrance to a cave. The others appeared right next to us and we walked towards the wall. There were two handprints carved into the centimeter-thick ice. I looked at Chanyeol and he looked at me. We flashed each other a smile and stepped closer to the wall. I took a deep breath and we pressed our hands against the ice. The wall began shaking and Chanyeol and I backed away. It slid open revealing a round hall. Both of us stepped inside and the others followed us. The wall closed and we saw a door to an other room but when we came closer suddenly a wall of blue fire appeared blocking our way. I slowly reached my hand out to the fire because I didn't feel the heat a normal fire would produce.

"Haneul be careful, blue fire is usually the hottest fire to exist", Suho said.

I looked at him but I was determined, I had to try it. My hand was now only a few inches away from the fire.

"Wait, shouldn't we test it with something else before she looses a hand?", Kai asked.

"Excellent idea", Suho took a stone from the floor and threw it into the flames.

It was immediately pulverized and disappeared with a sound. For a few seconds nobody said a word.

"Wow, that was... fast", Sehun was seemingly surprised.

"See? It would instantly kill you!", Kai exclaimed.

I thought for a second.

"Come with me", I dragged Kai towards the flames and stopped when we were one meter away from them, "do you feel the heat?"

"Yeah", he answered.

"I don't", I stepped closer, "and I still don't. I think it's a defense mechanism to burn all the people who aren't meant to do it"

"Like some sort of filter", Suho said, "so if that's correct, Chanyeol should also feel no heat"

Everyone looked at said boy who gulped and came closer.

"You're right, I don't feel anything", he smiled.

"So it's only us two now", I exhaled.

"We will wait for you here", Kai said and the others nodded.

Chanyeol held my hand and intertwined our fingers. We smiled at each other and stepped through the flames to the other side. I felt a stinging pain in my heart like something was ripped off from my body. I fell on my knees breathing heavily.

"I think that was our vampire power", he panted, "they were taken so that we won't cheat"

"Whatever we need to go on", I got up and walked through the next doorway to a round cave like hall.

We were standing on a little platform. I carefully looked down and saw nothing except darkness. I threw a little stone over the edge to hear how deep it was, let's just saw it was too deep for a human to survive. On the other side of the hall there was another platform with the next doorway and between the two platforms there were four little platforms, just big enough for one person to stand on. The little ones stood on very thin poles, they looked like they would instantly break if someone stepped on them, protruding from the ground or rather the darkness.

"The platforms don't really look stable", Chanyeol said, "they will probably break if two people walk on them"

"Yeah and we can't teleport to the other side", I thought out loud.

"You can go, I mean you are the one to save us", he bit his lip.

"No way! Don't you remember the puzzle? I need you, I can't do it alone", I shook my head.

"What should we do then? If I carry you, we will be heavier and couldn't jump that far", he leaned against the wall.

I sat on the floor to think. There were four platforms and two people, every platform can only be used once so maybe...

"That's it! We use every second platform", I exclaimed and looked at Chanyeol, "you use the second and the fourth and I use the first and the third, we have to jump quite far though but I think that's the only way"

"You're right, we have to risk it", he said, "should I go first?"

I nodded and stood at the edge of the platform. He went to the wall behind him to take a run-up and jumped on the second  little platform, I was so tensed because I was afraid he would fall down. Only one mistake and that was the end. He gathered all his concentration and jumped onto the fourth platform, the second one broke and fell into the darkness, and again I had to hold back a gasp. The last jump was more safe because it wasn't far. The fourth platform also broke. He turned around and nodded. I inhaled and jumped off the edge. I landed on the first platform and without wasting more time I quickly went on to the third while I heard the first one crashing behind me. That was the last jump to the final platform which was quite far. I jumped and unfortunately looked down into the darkness. Shit! I wouldn't make it. I tried to reach the egde of the platform Chanyeol was standing on but I failed. I felt myself falling. That was it, that was the end.

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