Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes and saw a tent with a table with two chairs in it. On the table there were some candles and plates with food.

"Voilà, a dinner for you and me... do you like it?", he asked.

"I love it", I was so amazed by how much effort he put into that whole thing, "for how long have you been planning this?"

"Pretty much the whole time", he shrugged and I chuckled.

We sat down and ate the food, which was very delicious by the way and then we took a long walk at the beach.

"I really want to go swimming right now, the water is wonderful", he said as we were back at the place with the table.

"Fully dressed?", I raised an eyebrow.

"Not directly", he smiled and dragged me towards two other tents which I hadn't noticed until then.

He went into the left one and I went into the right one. I saw a beautiful black swimsuit and instantly put it on. When I came out of the tent Chanyeol was already waiting. His jaw dropped as he saw me.

"Yah stop looking at me like that, you make me uncomfortable", I hit his arm.

"Sorry it's just... you look amazing", he said.

"How did you know my size?", I asked.

"Well while we were sorting your clothes into the wardrobe I saw it", he explained and ran towards the sea jumping right into it.

I stepped inside the warm water and slowly followed him. I let myself sink into the water and emerged again. I loved water, it was very calming for me to feel weightless.

"Hey Haneul, catch me if you can", he jumped into the water.

I took a deep breath and dived to the ground of the chest-high water. I followed him and finally caught him because I was pretty fast.

"Looks like you lost", I proudly crossed my arms.

He splashed some water at me and I splashed back. Then I dived down, swam around him and jumped on his back. Both of us began laughing and he let himself sink into the water to make me let go of him and I did but as I was on the ground he turned around, so that he was facing me now, grabbed my hands and swam back up. He put my arms around his neck and I slung my legs around his slim waist. I ran my fingers down his wet collarbone. He cupped my face and I moved closer. He closed his eyes but right when our lips were about to touch I stopped.

"I think we should go back home", I whispered against his lips and before he could react I was already in the little tent getting out of my swimsuit.

He also changed and we got back. Both of us went to shower and I was already brushing my teeth when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened I saw Chanyeol standing there, wet messy hair and having the cutest expression on his face I had ever seen.

"I missed you", he said with his aegyo.

I smiled with the toothbrush in my mouth and went back to the bathroom. As I came back he was sitting on the bed patiently waiting for me. He opened his arms and I hugged him while he let us fall backwards onto the bed.

"You smell so good", he said after some time.

"Maybe because I just took a shower", I mumbled.

"Are you tired?", he asked.

I hummed in response while he was stroking my damp hair.

"Could you sing again?", I already closed my eyes.

"Fiiine", he said as he began (A/N sings his 'All of me' cover, love that song omg) and I fell asleep after a few minutes.

Everything was dark around me.

I wanted to save you (Park Chanyeol)Where stories live. Discover now