Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes. Though my view was blurry from crying a saw the table. My hands were still pressed into the handprints.

"Haneul are you ok?", Chanyeol put his hand on my shoulder.

I felt my blood boiling.

"Shut up! I know what you did, I heard it so don't act like I'm stupid! I should've known you were lying to me the whole time!", I yelled and he seemed startled.

"Chanyeol could you leave us alone for a second?", Suho asked and Chanyeol left.

I broke down and cried. Suho sat down and hugged me. After a few minutes I wiped my tears.

"What happened? What did you hear?", he asked.

I told him everything I heard and saw and he listened closely.

"Ok Haneul, I'm sure this is a big misunderstanding, Chanyeol would never say anything like that. I have a theory regarding this thing so is it ok if comes back in? I promise you don't have to do it again", he smiled and I nodded.

He told Chanyeol to come back inside.

"Chanyeol would you be so kind and put your hands in the other two dents?", Suho asked.

Chanyeol went to the opposite side of the table and put his hands into the handprints. His eyes closed and when they opened again they were... white?! He began to talk a few words.

"What? No! Don't do this to me! Please", he also began to cry.

I walked to him but Suho stopped me.

"Don't interrupt it", he said and I backed away.

After a few minutes his eyes went back to their normal color. He blinked a few times and tried to control his breathing.

"What did you see?", Suho asked carefully.

Chanyeol looked at me.

"You... told your friend that you hate me...", he gulped.

"And you told Sehun you only want to get in my pants!", I began to understand.

"I knew it!", Suho exclaimed and we looked at him, "so we know that you and Chanyeol have to find 'the truth' together which means you have to trust each other and that's the point! These illusions show you scenarios to test your trust in each other!"

Chanyeol and I looked at each other and I realized that he would never say such things and I think he realized that I could never hate him.

"I think you need to fully trust each other to solve the puzzle", Suho proudly crossed his arms.

"I want to try again", Chanyeol said.

"Me too", I was determined.

And both of pressed our hands against the table. I was in the same scenario with Chanyeol and Sehun sitting on the couch.

"Of course not she just has a pretty body, why would someone love a nerd like her", and they busted out into laughter again.

"No that's not true!", obviously they couldn't hear me, "Chanyeol would never say anything like that, we are best friends!"

And the whole scene began to disappear. I smiled proudly right before I got teleported to another scenario. It was the day when me and Chanyeol arrived at the house and Suho and Chanyeol were talking.

"Isn't that the girl?", Suho asked.

"Yes", Chanyeol said.

"But why did you bring her here, you killed her siblings!", Suho tried to control himself.

"I guess I had a bad conscience about it you know her sister was my girlfriend but she left me for another guy", Chanyeol replied, "and so I took my revenge"

I leaned with one arm against the wall. That wasn't true, that wasn't true! The memories of the dream flashed through my mind.

"No! That's not true... he didn't... do it", I cried and screamed.

I sank to the floor crying really hard. I could barely breathe because of the pain. I tried to convince myself that this was a lie but it was too conclusive. I had seen Suho pulling Chanyeol aside and Chanyeol didn't want to tell me what they were talking about. I leaned my head against the wall behind me and continued crying until I was back in reality. I was still breathing heavily and so was Chanyeol.

"Guys whatever you saw it was a lie, believe me", Suho reassured us.

"But it made so much sense", Chanyeol panted, "she was making out with Baekhyun"

"You said you killed my siblings", I sniffed.

"I think you need time, trust doesn't come from one second to the next, you have to spend time together", Suho smiled.

We decided that the would have dinner first and went upstairs. After dinner I went to my room, if we couldn't solve the last puzzle yet, I could use the time to find the other two amulets. Someone knocked on the door.

"You can come in", I said and the door opened, it was Chanyeol.

"Hi, I know I am probably bothering you but um", he looked hesitant.

"You never bother me, what makes you think that?", I asked.

"I don't know it's just you seem kinda bored whenever we're together you know but that's totally fine I just don't know how to act", he scratched his neck.

"Chanyeol I'm never bored when I am around you it's just... I'm not good at showing emotions I'm sorry", I was really sorry that moment.

"A-ah no it's fine but that isn't the reason I'm here. I wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday I guess I was jealous... again", he looked like he was disappointed in himself.

I stood up from the chair and walked towards him. I cupped his face with my hands and he looked at me.

"You don't have to be jealous of any guy, ok? And even if I liked someone, you would be the first to know", I didn't realize how close our faces were.

"Thanks", he whispered and I felt his breath on my lips.

He put his hands on my waist and gently pushed me against the wall, our lips inches apart. He leaned in and again the kiss was passionate and filled with affection which made me melt into it.

"If someone asks, this was an accident just like last time", I slightly pulled away.

"You sure about that?", he breathed.

"Pretty sure, yes", I responded and lightly pushed him away.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"That was very good and beautiful but sadly we don't have time for such things we need to find the amulets", I sat down again.

"Wow now you're the one who ruins the moment", he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Yaah stop", I looked away.

"Wait, are you blushing?", he chuckled and I didn't respond, "oooh I understand it's not like you don't like me it's just you don't want to admit that you do like me riiight?"

"Chanyeol stop it", I said trying to sound serious.

"Ok I'll stop", he ruffled my hair but before I could complain he changed the topic, "what do we have to do?"

"We have to figure out was this means", I pointed at the paper with the numbers, "and we need to read the diary"

"Do you want to read it?", he looked at me.

"I would prefer to yeah", I said.

"Ok but don't run away again please, I was really worried last time", he kissed my hair (A/N sound so weird I hope yk what I mean, he just kissed the top of her head).

I laid on the bed and began reading the diary.

Sorry for not uploading :(
But now I'm back <3 :P

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