Chapter 18

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"Some friends of you parents gave it to us with a letter which was written by your parents saying that they want this thing to be in their gravestone and the quote on it is also from them", he pointed at the carvings, "I will leave you alone now, I'm in the bar if you need something"

I stared at the stone. I kneeled down and took a closer look at the decoration. I took my phone and looked at the photo of the two amulets we had already found.

"It's the same", I said and I looked at the quote which was carved into the stone.

'A good friend will keep every secret'

There was also a violin beneath the quote, so that was the missing piece. I took a pictures of the quote and tried to get the amulet out of the stone. I felt like a thief but I was the only one who was left from the family and I had a good reason. When I finally managed to get it out of the stone I immediately teleported back to my room. I put the amulet to the other two, grabbed the diary and teleported to the rooftop hoping Chanyeol wouldn't be there and luckily he wasn't. I sat down and flipped to the last entry I had read. Over the past two days I read a lot of the diary and now I was almost at the end.

Dear diary,
We solved the last puzzle today. One last amulet is missing but we are close to finding that one too. I am excited but also worried about the whole thing but Jaebum gives me hope. We decided that if we won't make it, our friends will hide them and also protect our children. I will write a letter in which I explain everything they need to do but of course I hope I can throw it away afterwards. I gave my oldest daughter the responsibility for the family and I hope she will do her best and care for everyone but I'm sure she can make it. I am so proud of my children and that I managed to raise them to be great people. I love my family and I hope I can hug them when it's all over.

Tears filled my eyes but I didn't want to cry. I breathed in and out trying to process everything that had happened. If I started crying now, I would cry about the thing with Chanyeol again and I didn't want that. After a couple of minutes I got up and went back to my room. I laid on my bed and thought about that quote again. A good friend... probably the same friend my mom wrote about in the diary but who could it be.

"Ugh I can't think properly", I groaned.

Should I tell someone about it? I mean the thing with Chanyeol. Should I? Probably yes. But who? Baekhyun wasn't that empathic, that was most likely the reason why we got along so well, Sehun and Kai were kinda childish and I didn't have much to do with Kyungsoo so it was only one left. I teleported to the kitchen and indeed he was standing there already preparing dinner.

"Suho? Can we talk for a second?", I asked.

"Ah Haneul, I'm preparing dinner right now is it urgent?", he looked at me.

"Kind of but we can talk after dinner if you want to", I didn't want to disturb him now.

"Wait a second", he walked past me to the living room, "Chanyeol can you take over preparing dinner? I have something to do"

He came back to the kitchen followed by Chanyeol. I tried not to stare at him and pulled Suho along with me. We went to my room and both of us sat down on my bed.

"Sorry but I really need someone right now", I said.

"It's fine but can't you talk to Chanyeol?", he asked.

"Well you see that's the problem it's about him", I scratched my arm and exhaled, "today after school I saw Chanyeol talking with a girl and she said they were in the same elementary school or something but he couldn't remember her. Suddenly she kissed him and he didn't push her away and... I don't know why but my heart broke when I saw it and I don't know what to do"

My eyes filled with tears again.

"Did you see it?", he carefully asked.

"Yes, I saw it with both my eyes", I couldn't hold the tears back as they were streaming down my face again.

Suho just pulled me into a tight hug and I cried on his shoulder.

"I'm sure he has an explanation for that", he whispered.

"I know but... I don't even understand why I'm so sad about this, we're not even a couple or something", I sobbed.

"Well I know you don't want to hear this but maybe... you like him. Maybe you have developed feelings for him without knowing or maybe your heart already knows but you mind doesn't want to accept it", he stroke my hair.

I said nothing and kept on crying and he kept on stroking my hair. After some time I pulled away.

"Do you want to eat anything? Should I bring you a blood bag?", he asked caringly and I just shrugged, "I guess that's a yes"

He disappeared and came bag with a bag and a straw.

"Here you go", he handed me my food, kissed my forehead and left.

I slurped on the blood while watching some videos. After that I did what I always did when I was feeling bad, I took a bath. As I was relaxing I thought about it. Should I tell Chanyeol about my feelings? Did I really have feelings for him? Or was I just possessive? How would he react? All these questions didn't leave me alone but I tried to push them away. Tomorrow was a new day and maybe I could talk about it without crying when I had new energy. I dried myself, put on some new clothes and went to bed. After an hour I was still bright awake and so I sat up straight thinking about what I could do. I decided to go on a walk to get some fresh air so I silently went downstairs, put on my shoes and left. I was just walking around a little and got to the place where Chanyeol and me first kissed. I sat down and watched the moon. After some time I felt cold though I had a jacket but the wind was cool. I went back and got to my room. I laid down again and also fell asleep after half an hour.

As always I was woken up by my phone but that day I was so unmotivated that I wanted to stay in bed all day.

"I guess school will bring me to other thoughts", I sighed and got up.

I did my morning routine and went to school. I told Minnie about what I had seen the day before.

"He did what?!", she exclaimed.

"Yep", I simply replied.

"Men ain't shit", she said and both of us chuckled.

"What should I do, Min?", I asked.

"What you should do? Show him who's the boss of course! Do your make up, wear short clothes, be sweet to other boys, that's what you should do! Get your revenge", she smirked evilly.

"Isn't that a little too much?", I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok maybe I exaggerated a little but you know what I mean", she shrugged.

"I'm not sure, Min", I bit my lip.

"Don't worry I will help you", she winked, "by the way Jinyoung is having a party on Friday that's the perfect chance for us!"

"It's Wednesday, how am I supposed to avoid Chanyeol for two days?", I groaned.

"You can bring Jinyoung home for 'studying' or something just be creative", she smiled.

I asked Jinyoung if he was free the next day and he said yes. I also texted Chanyeol that there was no need to pick me up because I would be at the mall with Minnie. We had a lot of fun though. In the evening I asked Suho if it was ok that Jinyoung came over.

"We have to study for a project", I explained.

"Sure why not", he smiled.

"Thank youuu", I hugged him and little did I know that Chanyeol heard it and I could literally feel his pissed aura.

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