Vampires 3

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Eye colors
Vampires usually have normal eye color just as humans but there are three differences noted. Firstly when a vampire is hungry his eyes turn purple but because they normally hunt during the night you can't tell when you meet one. You should also know that vampires don't only hunt humans when they are hungry, most of them just kill for fun so best you can do is stay away from them! The second reason for a different eye color is when they try to intimidate their prey their eyes turn golden and their fangs grow. This is called the "pre-form" and it's not used very often because most humans are already terrified when they realize that a vampire is standing in front of them. It's also important to note that vampires also have golden eyes when they use their special abilities. The third form is called "true-form" but there are only few cases reported where this form was truly seen. The eyes turn red and the whole appearance changes. Scientists assume that this is the natural but at the same time most dangerous form of the vampires but there's still no proof for this hypothesis. There are also people who claimed that they saw some vampires with black eyes and a devil-like form, they described it as the most terrifying thing they've ever seen. There's still no proof that such a form really exists and most people do not believe this statement.

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