Chapter 4

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I grabbed the photo album and teleported back to the hall. I opened a random page and saw that on the edges of each page there were the symbols, they always looked like decorations but I thought it wasn't a coincidence that exactly the same symbols are on the table which glows when I touch it.

"What is this?", a voice said behind me and I got so startled that I accidentally dropped the album.

As I turned around I saw Suho standing there.

"Thank God it's you, you scared the hell out of me Suho oppa", I put a hand on my chest.

"You can just call me Suho and all of the others too, no need to always call us oppa and sorry for scaring you", he smiled warmly, "so what is that"

"This", I picked up the book and didn't pay attention to the little paper which fell out while he slowly walked towards me, "is the photo album my parents left me, it's the only thing I have from them"

"Oh dear I'm so sorry", he put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine but that's not the reason I'm here. I don't know why but this table didn't leave me alone and I just saw these symbols on it and I knew they were familiar and boom", I pointed at the 'decorations' on the page.

"It's the same...", he slowly said.

"Exactly! Coincidence? No, not at all", I proudly crossed my arms.

"Ok and what does it say?", he asked.

"I thought you knew that! I mean it's your table in your basement why can't you read it?", I exclaimed.

"These are old vampire runes only few vampires can read them", he answered.

"Perfect, and where do we find someone?", I groaned and sank onto one of the chairs.

"I think we don't have to", I saw him pick something up from the floor, it was a paper.

He handed it to me and I saw a translation for our runes.

"That's amazing!", I clapped my hands because I was excited.

"It must have fallen out of the book. May I?", he asked and I nodded my head.

He went to the last page and there was indeed another paper which got stuck between the pages. I pulled it out and unfolded it.

"It seems like a letter to me, like from a diary or something", Suho thought out loud.

"You're right, I will read it when I'm back in my room and try to translate the runes", I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a photo of the symbols on the table.

I was about to leave but Suho held my arm.

"Wait, actually I came here to talk with you, I heard your little argument with Chanyeol and I wanted to tell you about what we talked, he's just a little shy you know? He doesn't want to do anything without permission", he scratched his neck, "anyways so when you touched the table it began to glow right? And the thing is that's not normal it never glowed before like ever. And you need to know there's a tale among the vampires, have you ever heard of the great vampire war?"

I nodded.

"Ok good, the tale says that one day the vampires will be freed by a savior and... because you made this table glow we assume that you are this savior and now my suspicion has been confirmed", he put both of his hands on my shoulders.

I stared at him trying to process what I just heard. I should be the savior of the vampires? No, no that wasn't possible!

"Suho I'm sorry to burst your bubble but umm I don't think so, I mean why would I be the glorious savior of the vampires? I have been a vampire for a week now? How could this be possible?", I was still a little confused.

"I know this sounds crazy to you but the evidences are too clear! But don't think of that too much now just translate that runes if you want to or if you have time or otherwise you can give them any of us it shouldn't be that hard with the translation", he smiled reassuringly.

"No need to I can do it", I grabbed the album and Suho and I walked up the stairs to the living room.

I went to my room and saw that my clothes were all in my wardrobe and the other stuff I had brought were laying on the desk and the nightstand next to my bed. Then I saw a little note on the bed.

I'm sorry Haneul I didn't mean to upset you

I instantly knew who this note was from because it was pretty obvious. So I quickly ran out of my room and down the long hallway until I stood in front of his door. I lightly knocked.

"Chanyeol? Are you in there? I wanted to talk to you", I said hesitantly.

Right when I was about to leave the door opened revealing a Chanyeol with red puffy eyes. My heart broke when I saw him like that. I stepped inside and looked around. It was really beautiful though but I wasn't here to admire his room.

"I just-", I got interrupted by him hugging me.

"I'm *sob* so sorry Haneul *sob* I never wanted to upset you *sob*", he cried on my shoulder and I wanted to cry with him because I was so sorry.

"Chanyeol look at me", I said and pulled away.

I put my hands on his cheeks and cupped his face.

"I'm also sorry, I completely overreacted you were just trying to be respectful towards Suho", tears filled my eyes.

"Don't cry", he pulled me into a hug again and stroke my hair.

"Wow our second argument in one week, we're about to break the record", I sarcastically said.

"But I promise that was the last one, from now on I will tell you everything ok?", he let go of me.

"And I promise I won't overreact anymore", I held out my pinky and he intertwined our fingers.

We both smiled and wiped our tears.

"I'm happy we made up", he sighed in relief.

"Hopefully we won't have to do it again", I chuckled.

After that sentence there was an awkward silence.

"Um do you want to watch a movie?", he asked.

"As long as it's not a horror movie I'm in", I said which made him smile.

"Do you like crime?", he looked at me.

"Omg yessss I love crime!", I exclaimed and got excited, crime movies were my weakness.

"Same, so the decision has been made", he jumped on his couch turning on the TV.

I sat next to him and after some time he put his arm around my shoulders just like in the romances. I snuggled against his chest and I heard his heart was beating really fast. After some time he seemed to calm down and we finished watching the movie. In romance films he would've fallen asleep and I stayed with him and we cuddled but hey we're vampires right?

The actual story started at chp 4 wow XD
Hope you're doing fine
Stay healthy :*

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