Chapter 22

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I got ready and went downstairs where Chanyeol was already waiting.

"Ready to go?", he smiled.

I nodded nervously.

"It will be fine", he held my hand.

We went outside and he teleported us to the house I saw in my dream. It looked exactly the same, it just looked older. He rang the bell and after a few seconds a woman opened the door, she also looked exactly like in my dream.

"Ah Chanyeol dear how have you been?", they hugged very tight, "and I will never forget this pretty face"

She smiled warmly.

"Hello, I'm Lee Haneul", I bowed.

"Oh dear I know, no need to be so formal", she chuckled and also hugged me, "Doyoung darling, look who is visiting us"

A man came out of a room into the hallway.

"Is that her?", he immediately asked his wife who nodded, "Lee Haneul, you can't imagine how long we waited for you"

He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Come in, I will make you two some tea", Misses Park said.

They led us to the living room and we sat down.

"How have you been, Haneul?", Chanyeol's dad asked.

"Pretty fine actually, the people who adopted me were super nice", I smiled.

"I still feel bad for that", he said.

"Oh no please, it was totally fine", I reassured him.

"I think I will make some tea", Chanyeol's mom got up.

"Oh I will help you", I stood up and followed her to the kitchen.

"How did you two meet?", she asked me while I was filling the water heater with water.

"Well that's kind of a crazy story", I laughed nervously.

"Trust me dear, I've heard many crazy stories", she smiled.

I took a deep breath.

"I was walking home from work when I got hit by a car and Chanyeol accidentally saw it. He says he just had a feeling that he couldn't let me die so he s-saved me", I wasn't sure if she knew her son was a vampire.

"And with 'saved' you mean he transformed you", she chuckled and I looked at her, "don't worry I know"

I chuckled too, both of us waited for the water to boil.

"Do you like him?", she asked straight up.

"O-oh well you see umm, you see it's kind of complicated I-I mean I like him, h-he's a very good friend but yeah uhhh... I'm not sure", I looked away and bit my lower lip.

"Unfortunately I can't tell you the whole story but", I looked at her, "there's a reason for all this, trust me you'll find out soon"

The water was boiled and so I filled it into the cups while she put the teabags in them. We carried them to the living room and placed them on the coffee table. We kept on talking for about ten minutes when Chanyeol coughed a little.

"I don't mean to be rude but that's actually not the only reason we're here", he said.

His parents looked at each other.

"Follow us", they got up and so did we.

They led us upstairs to the bedroom. Misses Park went to one of the nightstands and opened the lower drawer. She pulled out a little chest and came back to us.

I wanted to save you (Park Chanyeol)Where stories live. Discover now