"The Planning"

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It was a beautiful Sunday morning, freshly filled up with the golden yellow sunrays, after a long time of cool air breezes.

"Get up my son", an extremely soft voice touched Kabir's ears but he refused to wake up.

"I said get up or else you'll not be given food for the whole day". Mrs Vats boasted angrily.

"It's okay! I can survive without food for a day and however, according to your statement, I will not get food for the whole of a day but I'll get it at night. So just let me sleep as I'm not in mood to get up early on Sunday and not even to argue about it".

'Swoooshh', sound of a water wave went inside his ears.

"It's me Kabir, your aunt Rose", a big fat monster like structure came in front of Kabir's eyes.

"How are you my boy?" Aunt Rose asked stretching Kabir's cheeks.

"I don't think that one can ever be good if he's being tortured so hard", said Kabir getting out of the room and going out to his friends. He was even called by his mother but pretended to be deaf.

"Hey Rakshit! Vidyut! Shreya! Come fast, I need to tell you something very important".

"What happened Kabir? Why're you shouting like this?" said Vidyut coming up to Kabir.

"I'll tell you just wait for Rakshit and Shreya to come".

"No need to wait for us now, we're here", said Shreya.

"..A-Actually, I saw him", said Kabir.

"With a knife in his hand", he added.

"You saw whom?" asked Rakshit.

"The criminal Aakash Ranjan".

"Oh! Is this your very important talk? All of us have seen him in front of our eyes and others may have seen him on T.V. What's so new about this?" said Shreya angrily.

"Well! I think you didn't let me complete my word. I meant to say that I saw Aakash Ranjan with a deadly knife in his hand yesterday at the prohibited area in the ground we were playing at".

"Wh-What!" exclaimed Rakshit with a sudden shock.

"And also were there three more people with him".

"You're kidding, r-right?" a stunned voice came out of Vidyut's mouth.

"No, actually I'm not", answered Kabir.

"And if I'm not wrong, one of those four men was lying on the other one as if he was tired, sleepy, faint, or maybe, d-d-dead", said Kabir.

"What? D-Dead?" shocked Shreya said.

"I have called you all to tell you that this seems to be an adventurous ride of life and we shall figure out, who are those four men and what were they doing in the prohibited area of our favourite ground", said Kabir.

"Are you out of your mind?" all the other three said together.

"How can we enter the prohibited area? Aakash Ranjan is a criminal and even if someone finds him out, he will just be arrested and bailed after sometime. But we are not criminals. We cannot enter in there", said Shreya.

"Yes, she is right", said Vidyut and Rakshit.

"We are just little kids and if someone watches us entering the prohibited area, we'll be jailed and our school life as well as the rest of it will be in danger", said Vidyut.

"Oh you all are not getting me. We'll carefully go there at night so that no one will watch us and see what is happening there and who the mastermind behind it is", said Kabir.

"Well, I like adventures but what will we say to our parents? If anyone of us gets injured there, we'll have to speak the truth to them", said Shreya.

"If we want to go there we should prepare a full proof plan, and it will be the only way we can go there and figure out the secret of the four men", she added.

"Well alright, if Shrey says 'yes', then I am going to be a part of this as she is smartest among us all", said Rakshit.

"Okay! If all are going then who am I to refuse. I am coming with you all", exclaimed Vidyut.

"Okay then! 1 ..2 ..3 ..Adventurers", shouted all four of them.

They planned "We will go to play in the ground and Shreya will also join us. We will go to the ground at 7:00 pm and till 8:00 pm we will play. Then we will pretend as if we are going back to our home but will not go rather hide somewhere". According to Kabir, doing this will force the four men to come again and enter the prohibited area and later, when Aakash Ranjan and his accomplices enter the area, they'll follow them and have something to spread in their way of following them so that they will not forget the way out of that area, as they had read in the stories.

The time had come and all the four friends had decided to do the same as they had planned.

"We haven't still decided, what we will say to our parents if we reach late to our home. But that's not my headache, Kabir should be worried about this", thought Rakshit.

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