"Another Clue Or Trap"

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It was the time for everyone to sleep but our little agents and their opponents, Shekhar and Nisha were awake. It was going to be a high time for the little kids because they did not know the danger floating above their heads. Here, they stepped out of their room and walked towards the locked room trying not to make a noise of even a breath, and there, Shekhar and Nisha were waiting for them to open the locker so that to take out the diamond and take the kids away from their home.

"Here we are! And this lock is opened. Let's enter inside", exclaimed Rakshit.

"Yes!" response came.

Shreya tried the first three fonts in each and every manner but it did not work. Lastly, she tried Wingdings 3 in all capitals and fortunately it worked and the case opened. But there was no type of diamond or any stone, in fact there was again a sheet of paper which conveyed another riddle for the opener of the locker.

"Oh! Not again. I can't solve another riddle to get the diamond. Maybe, we aren't going to get any diamond or even a prize for all we're doing to save Mr Waghela's life", cried Vidyut.

"But we should help our friends and our parents have also told us to do so. Even if we don't get any reward for what we're doing, we would be saving a life and maybe, Mr Waghela will speak about our courage to the Police and the Police might reward us", claimed Kabir to convince Vidyut to keep helping them.

"So, we should try to get the answer to this riddle too", he added.

Vidyut was convinced with the statement that Kabir gave and he also agreed to help his friends, again. All their conversation was being heard by one of their competitors, Nisha. When she heard their footsteps coming back to the entrance door, she went back to her room and told everything she heard to her accomplice, Shekhar. On the other side, the rescue group of our little fighters, has just started reading the text written on the sheet of paper.

"Hey! It's not a riddle. But a sentence, giving us a clue about the next aim", exclaimed Kabir.

It said:

"Wherever you find, shiny leaf shaped eyes; clever, arched smile; a cutlet shaped nose and a brave, scary face, there you'll find me too".

All our little detectives understood what the message was trying to convey but they did not understand where could they find these things and was it inside their house or outside it.

Both of the teams, The Diminutive Detectives and The Cunning Couple, went to their beds and took a sleep until it was the next sunrise.

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