"Caught You?"

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It was a pleasant evening when Mr Waghela returned to home and brought two large pizzas from The Domino's. Kids were happy to see the large pizza boxes kept inside the polythene that Mr Waghela had.

"Wow Dad. You think, what I think. I was just thinking in the afternoon during luncheon to have something like pizza and now you brought it for us. I love you Dad", said Rakshit opening the box.

"Wait Dear! First go and wash your hands. I'll just serve it to all", said Mrs Waghela.

"Come Nisha and call Shankar as well".

Nisha replied, "I'll surely in a while".

Shekhar and Nisha came together and all the kids were there too. Along with Mr and Mrs Waghela, all of them started eating. Shreya, Kabir and Vidyut had finished their dinner. They were talking with their eyes, which is also called friends' telepathy and were seen by Mr Waghela.

"Why don't you three talk with your mouth so that we'll also hear what is all that you're talking about", said Mr Waghela.

"We aren't talking about anything. We're just asking each other, 'how was the pizza'. Nothing else Dad. You're such an interrogative person", Shreya responded nervously.

"But if you want to ask me something, you can ask my dear", Mr Waghela said politely.

"No. We don't want to ask anything", interrupted Rakshit after finishing his dinner.

"Let's go and sleep now", he added.

All of the kids went back to their room and took a breath of relief while Mr Waghela could not understand what the children were up to.

"Oh my God! How can you guys be so careless? We decided not to talk about Granny's house to dad today, then why?" puzzled Rakshit.

"We weren't talking about that. We were just waiting for you to have your dinner and we'll come back to our room", said Shreya.

"But don't forget. We've to talk to him tomorrow in any case. We shall visit our Granny's house at the earliest", she added.

"But we decided to talk to him about that, the day after tomorrow, then why're you saying tomorrow?" queried Vidyut.

"Yes we did. But, tomorrow will also be fine to talk to him about that, as we all need to get their as early as possible", replied Shreya.

"So now we should sleep or else if your mom or dad comes, they'll think we're up to something", Kabir suggested.

"Okay! Good Night", everyone said together.

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