"The Race"

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A pleasant morning showed up. A gentle breeze with light warmth, walked around the town after a very long time of heavy rain. The sun softly sprinkled light onto the rosy cheeks of the people roaming about in the town.

Everyone was awake in the bungalow. Our youngsters along with Rishabh had got to the dining table for their breakfast, Rex was given its food in its bowl, Granny was given food in her room for she had fallen ill the last night, the two elder members, Nisha and Mrs Waghela came out from the kitchen with the containers of food and Dr Adithya Dave climbed down the stairs to the hall.

"Paneer! I love it mom. I love you", Shreya exclaimed.

"I know baby", Mrs Waghela replied.

"It's really tasty aunt", complemented Kabir.

"They're looking really happy. Guess they've got it. I must get it from them today and then Shekhar will gift me with what I ask for", thought Dr Adithya.

"Oh God! Mom. I can't get up now. I've eaten too much", exclaimed Rakshit, after eating his food.

"You've always been like this. You remember when we had decided to practice for our Football Tournament from 2 pm to 5 pm and you had eaten a lot? Only because of you we had to start from 2:30", Kabir laughed.

"But that didn't hurt anything. You're blaming me as if I did that on the day of tournament", replied Rakshit.

Everybody chatted and laughed along with the children. But there was something more going on in there, during the time. Nisha and Dr Adithya talked through their eyes. They understood each other well and knew what the other person was trying to say.

The youngsters with Rishabh and Rex, were sitting in Rishabh's room and were designing a strategy. Though, they knew that they could not take away the diamond until they are at their Granny's but they feared, if it gets too late, if their opponents get the diamond before them, everything will be ruined. Everything that they had done till now, everything that Rishabh had helped them for, will go down the drain. But they had to open the locker to see if the diamond was really there or there was again a clue.

They planned something, which could not make them succeed in their mission but it did, for it had to.

Rishabh, during the evening somehow, convinced Nisha to go for shopping and Dr Adithya to go out for some work. They got convinced but only due to a reason, you know.

Rishabh and the youngsters, with Rex, seeing that everyone was taking rest in their respective rooms, they stepped towards the golden sculpture of lion where the locker happened to be. They opened up the locker as they had planned. Expecting to get the diamond that they had been craving to see, they found it, finally.

Shreya took the radiant and marvellous diamond into her hands and admired the beauty that it sprinkled up in the corridor. Drew stared at it as if he would not be able to see it again. But someone was right in saying, "Keep your eyes towards all four directions. On one hand, where the youngsters were admiring the loveliness of the stone, Nisha, on the other hand jumped into the bungalow through the window in the corridor where the diamond was spreading its glow.

She quietly took her place behind the teens, who were standing, making a semi-circle. Unfortunately, Rex was not in the corridor and was having its snacks in the hall. Nisha got ready to run, snatched away the stone from the hands of Shreya and ran away through the window she had entered.

The four kids followed Nisha through the window while Rishabh ran out to the hall to take Rex, took him and ran out of the house. Rishabh took out his gypsy that was parked nearby and the four youngsters sat into it, while Dr Adithya drove his car in which Nisha sat beside the driver's seat. The cunning criminals drove ahead and the troubled teenagers followed them.

Without noting the way they were going to, the teenagers, with the dog, kept following the ones who were having their property. Suddenly a gun fired onto one of the back tyres of Rishabh's gypsy and stopped the vehicle right away. Four masked men came closer towards the gypsy and held the teens to take them to their place but, Rex was brave enough to bite them and force them to get repelled and run away.

When the teens turned back to see their rivals, they unluckily found them away. Disappointed, Rishabh called a family mechanic for their gypsy. In the time he came, they started their discussion.

"How could we do this? How could we believe someone getting into our so silly trap?" cried Rakshit.

"Exactly! This plan was so childish that I can never think of getting fooled by it", Vidyut yelled.

"Guys, it's not the time for blaming our mistakes of the past. We have to get to them before your and Granny comes to know that the diamond has been stolen and that too because of us", Kabir suggested.

"Kabir is right. Let's plan something and then we will include the police as well", Shreya proposed.

"Let the mechanic come and change the tyre. Then we will go to Rohan's house to discuss about this", Rishabh concluded.

"Do you think we can trust him?" Kabir queried.

"He's my best friend and I trust him with my life so I do trust him. He has already helped us earlier. And you were the one, who did not trust me, right?"

"I'm just being cautious and nothing else".

"You don't have to". Rishabh said sarcastically.

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