"Succession of Secret Plan"

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"Hellooooo kiddos!" Aakash jumped in front of the four.

They looked consciously at each other's face.
With a bit of shivering in his voice, Vidyut tried to joke, "We were just passing by so we entered. Otherwise, we've never wanted to come here. Let's go friends. We're going, okay?"

"I'll let you go, when Master orders me to. Come with me", Aakash said, pushing the teenagers to move forward towards the corner, Shekhar was waiting with some of their, and his own friends

"Boss! Look who're here with us".

"Ah! Kiddos. Pretty cool, huh?"

"After a long time, you coward", Kabir exclaimed.

"Coward? That's right. But less than your parents, Jr Vats, right?

Kabir stood with his head staring down at the clean-tiled floor.

"Nishu, bring them out, darling", Shekhar ordered Nisha.

Nisha came out from the inside with two men onto different chairs, with ropes tied on their hands, at the back of their chairs and a white strip of cloth, tucked in their mouths and tied at the back of their heads. Bleeding from the shoulder, one of them screamed with pain in the wound.

"What—the—hell—is—this?" Kabir exclaimed.

"Ugggghhhhhh" Rishabh shouted with force.

"None's gonna come here to save you", Shekhar stated.

"Pity, pity, pity dears", Nisha laughed.

"What are you looking at me for? Tie them up too", Shekhar commanded.

One of the disciples of Shekhar brought a rope from the inside and tied the four teenagers onto different chairs and put white cloth into their mouths followed by tying it up at the back of their heads.

"Oh God! It's hurting. I can't bear it anymore", Rohan said fuzzily.

"Untie his hands", Shekhar ordered.

"Ugh! What is this? I can't get this", Rishabh spoke in an unclear voice.

"What a fool you are", Rohan claimed.
"Who doesn't change the party for money? Huh?" He laughed.

"Hmph!" Kabir sighed with anger.

"Ahaha! Look who's here. Nisha, would you just call them up here", Shekhar smirked at Kabir.

Nisha rang up to someone and said, "Give 'em the keys and tell them to come here".

The police following the track shown on the navigator, arrived at the godown where Kabir and his friends were kept and Rex waited. Rex barked in front of them and ran up to the window where the four entered from. Holding weapons in their hands, the cops entered through the window, inside the godown, moved ahead and one of them twisted up the neck of a watcher. Another put up his hand over an other watchman's mouth and wounded him up with a knife.

Moving further ahead, they finally found the four teenagers kept under the captivity of Shekhar and Aakash, whom the police knew really well, acting as his sidekick. Aiming on Shekhar's leg, one of the cops, shot down and called up for a fight against the criminals. While many of them fought with them, the other police officers unbound the five. Rex helped the cops to catch the sinners and the five ran here-and-there, searching for the diamond, but couldn't find it.

While the fight was carried on inside the godown, the visitors who were called up by Nisha, not noticing the police jeep, parked somewhat away from the place, reached the door and knocked upon it. One of the policemen, closer to the door, carefully holding the gun, ready to shoot if needed, opened it up and became the reason to stun up Vidyut and Kabir.

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