"Execution Of Plan"

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Rishabh called Javed and Dr Adithya to go outside to meet someone who called himself their friend. They went outside and met Gaurav. He insisted them to sit inside his car and then he will carry on with what he were there for. They did as they were insisted to.

Gaurav asked the driver of his car to get him the gun he had kept inside the glove of his car and pointed in towards Javed.

Here, Rishabh told Kabir and the others about their rivals staying outside for some time during which they have to get to the diamond they have been longing for so long. They ran into the alley the golden statue of lion was standing on a cuboidal column. They searched for something like an opening where they could find the diamond.

Suddenly, Kabir saw some small carvings onto the wall on the left side. He told everybody and Rakshit who was closer to the wall on the right, searched for the carvings onto it and found them.

The carvings on wall on the left were,


And the carvings on wall on the right were,


Although, they could not understand where they had to put it, but they could get that they were some kind of codes and starting searching for a locker. Unexpectedly, Kabir touched the red eyes of the lion and felt it as if it were a button.

He said, "Guys, this must not be a code, rather it is a sequence".

"Sequence to what?" Rishabh questioned.

"Look here", Kabir pressed the eyes of the lion and showed that to everyone.

They understood that they were not only the eyes of the lion but also the buttons.

"I think, the numbers carved on the surface of the wall on left are the number of times we have to press the left eye of this lion and so are the numbers on the wall on right for the right eye", he added.

"But what are those stars doing in between these numbers?" Rakshit queried.

"Maybe, they are to be assumed as plus sign", Vidyut suggested.

"But it is used to show multiplication and not addition", said Shreya.

"They neither imply addition nor multiplication", Kabir clarified.

"Then what are they Kabir? Quickly tell us. We don't have much time left now. My friend can't restrain them for long", Rishabh roared.

"Look at this. This one doesn't have a star in the beginning like the other one does, and the other one does not have the star at the end like this one does", Kabir said pointing towards the wall on right.

"The first number here is two, which means that we have to press the right eye of the lion twice, move onto the first number on the other wall and keep doing this alternatively until the secret object shows up", Kabir shared.

"But we have pressed both the eyes earlier without any sequence. How do we reset it, if it can be?" quizzed Vidyut.

"There must be a button. We must search for it", Rishabh proposed.

They started to search and Rex barked.

"What happened Rex?" Rishabh said.

Rex walked a bit closer to the flower vase kept at a side. He kept looking at it for a second or two when Kabir lifted the vase and put it aside. They could see a button like structure, painted with the same colour as the wall, orange-ish pink, the colour, they called it. Vidyut pressed it and all of them were now going to do as Kabir shared as his idea, but Rohan called Rishabh.

Rishabh stopped all of them and picked up the call to answer. Rohan told him that the two were off to return. Rishabh conveyed the message to the youngsters and took them as well as Rex off there. They returned to the banquet-type hall of the bungalow with a little fear upon their faces. They feared, "What if they've learnt that Rohan was helping us?", "What if they've learnt we've got to the diamond?" or "What if now they've assumed Rohan as their enemy and they hurt him?" They tried to hide their fear. They played with Rex to relax and it worked. None could think they were fearing of something.

Dr Adithya and Shekhar didn't get to know about the trap they were put into. While the teens didn't understand what had Rohan been talking to Shekhar and Dr Adithya about. Past the party, when the guests, including Shekhar had returned and the people in the house had gone to their beds, Shreya went out of her room to Rishabh and asked him about their doubt.

"I myself didn't know about that. I just called him and asked him for the video recording of their conversation in the car. Just watch this. You'll get it", Rishabh smiled.

The recording said,

"Tell me where is he", Gaurav ordered Javed.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" asked Javed.

"Rahil Sheikh. Your partner", clarified Gaurav.

"Who's that? I don't know anyone named Rahil".

"You do. And now you will tell me too".

"You're having a misunderstanding".

"I never do. Nor will I. Tell me – right now – where – is – he".

"I swear, I don't know any Rahil Sheikh. Trust me".

"Aren't you Javed Farooqi who keeps himself masked?"

"I'm not even Javed Farooqi. I've changed myself to prank one of our friends here".

"You – are – lying – to me".

"Why would I? I don't even know you at all? Never have I seen you".

"You're a bloody liar and are lying to me right now. You've known me for a long time and so have your partner. Call him right now".

"I am no Javed Farooqi. I am Shekhar Bhatnagar. I don't know you at all and have never seen you either. Nor has my friend Adithya. So please let us go, otherwise I've got a gun too. In fact, I know to use it better". Shekhar, who had now told his real identity, warned Gaurav.

Gaurav apologized to Shekhar and asked him what he was doing in the party with a wrong name.

"I've already told you", Shekhar told him.

"Oh! I thought it was only to get rid of me", Gaurav laughed.

"Now, for God's sake, will you let us go?"

"I will but first, I'll have to talk to my boss who had told me to reach you. And you'll have to talk to him, so he is assured of me reaching you and talking to you".

Gaurav calls one of his friends who he had already told about the drama and his role in it. He calls him 'Boss' and to waste more of the time, he told everything to his friend, who, past listening to the complete story, told him to hand over the phone to the fake Javed Farooqi so he could talk to him and get assured. He talked to him and interrogated him until all his questions were over and he could waste much time.

Finally, Gaurav had to let them go and so did he.

"So he isn't Shankar Aggarwal but Shekhar Bhatnagar", surprised Shreya.

"Exactly. He had fooled us, in fact, fooled you all", Rishabh laughed.

"Oh! Well done. I'll go and tell them too. Good Night Rishabh", Shreya said.

"Good Night Shreya" Rishabh greeted back.

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