"New Friend Or Enemy"

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Here showed up the beautiful lady, with an ugly heart, everyone's own, Nisha. Hugging Rishabh, she greeted him and smiled over his unchanged attitude after listening to their conversation from a distance. Kabir and company preferred to leave Rishabh and Nisha to have a discussion.

"Friends, I think, Rishabh will be a danger for us", shared Vidyut.

"Not at all. In fact, he can help us to find out what we are searching for. He lives here, this is his residence. He must be knowing everything about this bungalow. We must seek his help", Rakshit suggested.

"But if, same as Nisha did, Rishabh also, had been supporting Shankar Aggarwal, against your father, then what will we do?" asked Kabir.

"I don't think he is supporting Shankar Aggarwal. If he were, then he had already given that Diamond to him, that is kept here", said Shreya.

"Why do you think that the Diamond is in this house? Yes it is safe to keep a precious object here but we cannot assume that the Diamond lies in this house. We cannot take risk over someone's life, that too, your father's", warned Kabir.

"Yes. I support Kabir. We cannot trust anyone else until and unless we all are satisfied with their intentions", said Vidyut supporting Kabir.

"You guys are just jealous of no one knowing you here", Rakshit roared.

"Why do you even think we'll be jealous of not being known to anyone here? What will happen if we are known to everybody here? Will it help us, to help you in helping your father?" shouted Kabir.

"Nothing will, my dear, nothing at all will help you all", Nisha said, making fun of the kids.

"I was never going to tell you about this but Boss asked me to tell you that we know all your intentions", she added.

She further said, "We've known this since the first time you heard our conversation in the forbidden area of the playground. We knew you would try to find the Diamond and once you get it, we'll snatch it away from you, kidnap you and kill my dear uncle, Rajat Waghela but Boss asked me to tell you all this, while I don't know, what he is planning, but I assure you, it's something huge. Take care kids".

Nisha slide away leaving the kids in the room they were having their discussion. Shreya scolded Rakshit for starting a fight with Kabir and Vidyut, even after knowing that they're risking their life for the sake of his father's safety. Rakshit apologized to Kabir and Vidyut.

They did not know what Shekhar Bhatnagar, being known as Shankar Aggarwal by them, was going to do next. Shreya feared what if here they were searching for the Diamond and there they kill her father as he was alone at home. Rakshit was thinking of the same. Kabir and Vidyut consoled them and told them to smartly ask Rishabh about the gold-painted sculpture, without letting him to know about their intentions. They quickly cooked up a plan.

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