"Old But New"

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They were finally relieved with what they saw but they could not show the relief to Rishabh, until he was completely out of the suspects' list, where he was the only one till then.

They carefully watched the sculpture to show their interest in it and asked Rishabh, some questions about it, one of which was, that Shreya asked, "How many years has it been here for?"

"According to Granny, it's been here since the Grandfather of her Grandfather's time", Rishabh answered.

"Woah! That's a really long time, I guess", Kabir exclaimed.

"Of course it is. From its appearance I can definitely conclude that it's been here for more than 200 years", shared Vidyut.

"But now let's go back, else, if Granny finds us out here, she'll scold me for introducing you to this lion", joked Rishabh.

All of them, with Rex, went back to where the others were sitting, Mrs Waghela's bedroom.

The youngsters sat there for a while and then stood up to go out to play in the garden, which they told the others as an excuse to slip out of the room. They went out and played with their ball for a moment or two for if someone comes out, do not scold them for making an excuse of getting out of there, and started their discussion.

"Did you see it? It was exactly what we were searching for", Shreya shared her thought.

"Of course we did. Not only your eyes are efficient of looking at gold", said Kabir teasing Shreya.

"You could have said that without your freaking sarcasm, couldn't you?" Shreya said irritably.

"No, I couldn't", Kabir replied, making fun of her.

"Guys, you need to stop your argument, right here", Vidyut suggested.

"Kids shouldn't argue with their friends, and teenagers like you, should not even think about that. None knows, who gets offended and speak out your secrets to the world, right?" a stranger, five feet, ten inches in height, with blonde hair, shining eyes and a small nose, entered the garden and said to the kids.

"Who are you, sir?" asked Shreya, gently.

"Let's go inside. Your Granny herself introduce me to you".

They went inside and the strange man called Granny, "Mrs Bhutada".

Granny, Mrs Waghela, Nisha and Rishabh with Rex, came out of the room and climbed down the stairs in the hall.

"Dr Adithya Dave? How did you come here, after so long? It's been, I guess, 2 years, right?" Granny asked with curiosity.

"I was just passing by and the house reminded me of spilling out the good news, I was craving to tell you", Dr Adithya said.

"Okay, so, what will be his or her name?" Granny laughed.

"It's not that. It's something else, Mrs Bhutada".

"What's that then?"

"It's that – I have – opened a – new hospital in your city".

"Wow! So finally you've accomplished your goal of life, huh?"

"Yes, one of them at least".

"Anyways. I just forgot to introduce you to everyone. This is my daughter, Pooja, who came here some days back with her children, Shreya, Rakshit and their friends, Kabir and Vidyut".

"Yes, I met these smart kids outside".

"And these two are the other two of my grandchildren, Nisha, my daughter, Lisa's daughter, and Rishabh, my son, Dave's son".

"And this is Rex, my dog, my life", said Rishabh introducing Doctor to his dog.

"Woah! Pretty animal, I guess".

"Well, please take a seat. Be comfortable", Granny welcomed him.

"John, get a glass of water for him", Granny ordered one of the servants.

"So now you know, who I am? It's okay if you don't want to interact, I know I'm old, but new", Doctor teased the kids.

Kids didn't really know him well and were waiting when Granny will tell them everything about him. Everybody got settled on the Sofa and Rex sat down on the floor beside the legs of Rishabh.

Granny started narrating the story, "Three years ago, when Jacob (Mr Bhutada) was suffering from cancer, Dr Adithya was completing his internship under Dr Rakesh Mahajan, who handled the case of Jacob. When Dr Rakesh Mahajan had to go to for an important operation, he was the one who handled his case with Dr Rakesh's team and getting him out of danger, though Jacob left us last year".

"Really sorrowful to hear this, Mrs Bhutada", Dr Adithya spoke with sadness. "Anyways, I'll take your leave now".

"Stay here for some days, Doctor", Granny insisted.

"No, it's okay. I'll stay at some hotel until the broker finds me a good house".

"Please, stay with us until then".

"Okay, if you insist".

"Come on friends, we'll go out to play again". Rakshit suggested.

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