"How It All Ends"

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"This is hell!" Kabir eclaimed.

"Are my spectacles fine for my eyes?" Puzzled Vidyut.

"Mom? Dad?" Kabir and Vidyut called up together.

The four new people in the godown faked trying to run away when the policemen did not let them. They, suddenly ran towards the four adolescents, took out their guns, pointed it onto their heads and warned the policemen to drop down their weapons.

"You can't kill me Dad. I'm your son", Kabir stated with fear.

"I can - shoot - and I will - shoot", Mr Vats shot Aakash.

"What the hell are you doing?" Shekhar queried.

"What did you think? I'm with you? Nah!"

"What do you mean?"

"We've always been together but not with you", Mr Kohli stated.

"We've been undercover for a long time and have been helping you for the sake of this. Whatever that is happening was already planned", Mrs Kohli claimed.

"You've always been tricked mt dear Shekhar Bhatnagar", Mr Vats laughed.

Watching everyone laughing and making fun of him, angry and frustrated, Shekhar held up a gun in his left hand, from under his sock and shot two bullets towards Me Vats.

"Dad!" Kabir shouted.

"Ashish!" Mrs Vats called up to him.

"Now be undercover in God's cover", Shekhar laughed.
"For everyone", he added.

"Fake care my son. Take care yourself, as well as your mom", Mr Vats told Kabir.

Kabir burst into tears, the moment his father took his last breath and spoke out the last word 'mom'. A full deep cry rose within his dry throat and with a sudden shiver to his body, he jumped up at the place he stood, crying out in real grief, "Dad! Dad!" Tears rolled down his cheeks from his eyes. He screamed and shouted and his pants got wet on the bottom from the water that was spilled onto the grey-tiled floor but his mother sat quiet.

"Why are you so silent, Isha (Mrs Vats)?" Asked a concerned Mrs Kohli.

"Can't let them out until he's out of this world", shouting up loudly the word 'world', holding up her gun, pointing it towards Shekhar and shooting down each and every bullet out of six into the left part of his chest where the heart is placed by God.

He died right after the second bullet but she kept on firing him. Finally after the last shot, she let out her tears rolling down her rosy cheeks.

Rakshit came forward to comfort Kabir while Mrs Kohli tried to console Mrs Vats. Nisha tried to run away but was caught up by the police-women. Everyone stood from the ground wiping off their tears. Some of the men lifted up the body of Mr Vats and led everyone to the police station for interrogation.

"Here. This is the one and the single reason behind all that happened. Behind the kids' lives being in danger. Behind each and every little thing that happened in some previous days", Mrs Kohli showed the Diamond to the police inspector Taaruk Raina.

"But this was with them, wasn't this?" Queried Vidyut.

"It's a long story. We'll tell you later if it isn't important".

"But it is important", Mr Taaruk Raina complained.

The story was -
The two couples, who had been undercover officers sice their newly adult age, met each other at the headquarters itself. After solving a few or more cases together, they became the best of friends and hot married, Ashish to Isha (Late Mr Vats and Mrs Vats) and Shailesh to Nandini (Me and Mrs Kohli).

They were, after a long period of sixteen years, given their new mission of getting Shekhar Bhatnagar, One of the most wanted, by the government, but unknown by the public. They were told every little detail, known by their commander, about the objective of Shekhar Bhatnagar and what their task was.

They knew from the very starting of the story that, the Diamond was in Pooja Waghela's mother's house. They were about to get the Diamond into their custody but they didn't get a complete opportunity to visit her house without getting identified as thief. They didn't have so much time that they could go into their house, try to open the locker and get the Diamond.

Right then, they found a chance to change their plan when they came to know that the four teens were after the Diamond. Since, Shekhar and his accomplices has planned to kill Rajat Waghela after getting the Diamond, they decided to put the fake Diamond where the real one was, when the teenagers get to it.

Mr Kohli, acting as a parcel delivery boy, went to Mrs Bhutada's (Granny's) house, ran to the corridor where the Golden Sculpture of Lion happened to be and put a transmitter in there, while Mrs Bhutada went in to her room to get the money from the almirah.

Both the couples then wrote a letter to their kids and went up to Shekhar to get involved in his team. When asked why, they answered that it was always their aim and the kids that they had been raising for so long, were adopted, only as a show to the society.

The four agents could hear everything including the procedure, the secret locker could be unlocked. Past the teenagers went away, without opening the locker, deciding to open it the other day, during the night, late Mr Vats, opened it up, replacing the real Diamond with an identical but fake one, went away.

They did all this only to get the Diamond and give it away to the government as its property so there will not be another life in danger as Rajat Waghela's and the four teens'.

This is what Mrs Kohli told the policeman and all the others present in there.

"It means, we won't get the Diamond?" Asked Shreya.

"Ah! Yes. It means so. It's the government's property", Mrs Vats replied.
"But we are glad that you all, 'unknowingly', but helped us", she added.

"Where are my kids? I wanna meet them right now. Will you now just allow me in? It's urgent. Let me go", Mrs Waghela ran in, shouting.
"Oh! Ya'll here. I'm so glad. Wait! Isha? Shailesh? Nandini? What on Earth is happening here? I can't get this. Someone, please allow me to know", she added.

"Madam, you can't shout like this in Police Station", Inspector ordered.

"Exactly. That's what I'm telling her. But she doesn't ever listen to me at all", Mr Waghela uttered.

The inspector took the Diamond from Mrs Kohli and ordered the constable, standing outside the door of his office, to take all the people to the Bluebell's Colony. He did as he was told to.

Everyone went to the Waghela House and discussed about everything that happened.

"....And Rishabh went to his house".

Mr Waghela asked them who gave them the right to put the kids' lives in danger and give away the Diamond to the government to which Mr Kohli answered, "Love for the Nation".

"We're sorry that we couldn't tell anyone about this earlier as the mission was still in motion at the moment but now, that the mission is over, this is what happened", Mrs Vats smiled.

"Well, we are sorry to hear about Ashish", Mrs Waghela took breath.

"Ah! That's what our job is. Live for the Nation and Die for the Nation".

"So can we go upstairs now?" Rakshit smiled giving a small side smile.

"Surely, you can. Go!"

The four teenagers took themselves to 'their' room.

"I'm sorry Vidyut. I'm really sorry Kabir", apologized Rakshit.

"Why do you say that?" Asked Kabir.

"I assumed your parents to be criminals, so...."

"A sorry won't be enough", Vidyut said, faking anger.

"I'll do what you say".

"You'll have to give us - a treat in the canteen - once the school re-opens", all the four laughed together.

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