four ➳ doubts

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As Claire parked the car on her usual spot, I noticed Troy standing there by the doors, his backpack swung over his right shoulder and both his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his worn-out jeans. The way his hair was awfully messy was what mostly caught my eye, since he never, ever same to school without having brushed and fixed his hair first. I did mess it throughout the whole day, but he always attended school with not even one lock out of control.

Lola suddenly appeared next to him working on the first buttons on her cleavage with trembling hands. Luke's voice immediately popped in my mind, replaying everything he said to me yesterday, referring to Lola and Troy having an affair. I quickly shut him out and closed my eyes to kick the thoughts away.

Claire put her hand on my shoulder, making me cringe. "Are you okay? You've been trembling and scratching your hands for over two minutes now."

I looked down at my palms and lightly gasped when I saw red marks all over my skin. Biting my lip, I mentally debated on whether sharing the information I got yesterday, and quickly decided against it. Luke is most likely lying; I didn't need to waste Claire's time with that crap. "Nothing, I'm just nervous about something."

"If it's about school stuff don't worry" she reassured me a broad smile. "I'm sure you'll do great, whatever it is. You're too smart to fail."

"Thanks, I guess." Pulling the handle of the door, I pushed it open with my shoulder and stepped outside, looking towards the entrance to spot Troy again. He was right there and waved when he saw me, a nervous smile spreading on his cherry red lips.

Claire locked the car and together, we strolled down the parking lot, on our way to the spot where Lola was standing, with Troy on her one side. I caught Luke with the corner of my eye leaning against some pick-up truck with a girl in his arms, both of them engaged in a heated make-out session. Rolling my eyes, I squealed when Troy pulled me in a bear hug, and a rather tight I'd say, with his arms rested on the dip of my back while he pecked my lips and neck over and over.

I began giggling. "Oh my God Troy, stop, it tickles."

"I know" he smiled at me before continuing, squeezing me tighter in his arms. I knotted both my arms around him and started to play with his hair when he locked lips with me, and only when Lola cleared her throat did he pull away.

She seemed frustrated, tapping her fingernails against the iron doors and refraining the urge to roll her eyes at all of us, and mostly Troy and me. "We should go inside, the bell's about to ring."

"It's not gonna for at least thirty minutes" I frowned. "What's wrong with you lately?"

"Nothing's wrong with me, what are you talking about Ebony? I'm perfectly fine, just like every other day. I'm fine and certainly not nervous, you hear me?" she ranted, barely taking breaths between the words. My suspiciousness had hit the highest point by the time she was done, but I refused to believe Luke. She had probably gotten some bad grade, and knowing how obsessed her parents are with grades and everything, she can't help being anxious about it.

Claire shot Lola a warning look and she ran her mouth, her gaze dropping down to the floor. "Let's go inside anyway, Lola is right" said Claire, faintly nodding.

I saw all of them walking over the doors but stopped dead in my tracks when I felt Luke nearing. Checking if Claire was close enough to see him too, I turned my head back at them and when I spotted her talking about something with a guy, I offered all my attention to Luke.

"What do you want?"

The corner of his mouth pulled up on a half-smirk. "You know I'm right."

I pushed my chin up in a move full of pride. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. You saw how they act around each other and you too, you know they're cheating."

"Shut up, Hemmings" I hissed and gritted my jawline. "You're talking about my best friend and boyfriend here, for whom you don't know shit."

He parted his lips and pushed a cigarette between them, lighting it up with a match. Breathing in the smoke, he smirked once again. "You and I both know I'm right, sweetheart." He blew out the smoke on my face slowly, creating circles with his lips. "The faster you admit it, the better."

I felt my nails digging into the skin of my inner palm and I rolled my eyes at him, turning my back and pacing angrily down the corridor, on my way to my locker. "Don't say I never warned you" was the last thing I heard him say before I picked some random books and literally ran to my classroom.

There, I found Tori, one of the school's sluts and known to be hanging out with Luke a lot, and Margi, her best friend. When they saw me entering, their looks changed into empathic and pitiful ones, for a reason I couldn't quite catch. Tori stood up from her desk located in the back of the classroom and patted my shoulder.

"I am so sorry" she spelled each word separately and slowly, as if she were talking to a four-year-old child who recently learnt how to speak properly. "I really am, Ebony."

I kindly removed her small hand from my shoulder and scowled, biting my lip and mentally preparing myself before asking the most obvious question that could come up. "Why are you sorry?"

Without even bothering to reply to me, she shook her head and returned back to her friend, continuing to talk on that topic they were just before I came in, as if it was never interrupted. Every single sparkle of doubt fired up in me and I wrapped my arms around me, in a protective move.

What if fuckface is right?


lolololol y'all must hate me so much rn

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