sixteen ➳ destroyed

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It was late in the afternoon when I woke up, and the open window on my left helped with this realisation. Nothing from last night seemed to come back to mind and everything stopped the moment I drank that glass of vodka in the entrance and when Ashton gave me that joint. I was still confused as fuck, but my head was pounding so I decided not to give it anymore thought, until I was feeling better.

First thing that I thought of was to smoke and get some of my stress out, but when my hand opened up the drawer and searched inside, my packet was gone. I sat up and dragged it back fully, looking inside more carefully but it was indeed gone.

My door swung open and the woman I definitely didn't wanna see walked into the room, followed by the man I also had no interest in encountering. Yes, we're in fact talking about my parents here. And they were looking mighty mad, or upset the least.

"Ebony" my mother's sharp voice called out and I winched.

"Would you shut up, I'm having a fucking hangover here" I cussed quietly and fell backwards, my head landing on my puffy pillow. The headache was only getting worse and that's really getting on my nerves. What the hell did you give me, Ashton?

My father walked closer to my bed with a frown covering his forehead. "Stop talking to your mother like that, she was worried sick last night."

"I don't even remember what happened last night, are you fucking kidding me?"

"No swearing!" my mum chirped in a harsh tone and balled her fists right away. I wanted to laugh at how pathetic she sounded, but decided to shut it and see if I get any info for yesterday.


My dad was now standing next to my mother with his hand on her shoulder, holding her back from not attacking me most probably. All my life, I've been such a good and obedient girl and now that they see me behaving like this (and especially my mum) they just can't handle it.

"Last night you came home such a mess, Ebony" she whispered and shook her head in grief, staring down at her shoes. "You couldn't even see straight and you fell apart in front of us, and we're very worried about you."

I threw the blankets off of me and stood up, observing my current outfit. A thin red nightgown that reached my middle thighs was on and nothing else, except for my bra and knickers underneath. Furiously pacing down the room, I opened my wardrobe and pulled out some black ripped skinny jeans and an oversized jumper I stole from Luke, back when he still could stand me. I peeled the gown off of me and wiggled my hips as the jeans reached my hips, then tossed the sweater over my head.

Both my parents seemed to have their guard up, patiently waiting for my reaction. Raising my index finger towards my mother, I took a deep breath. "You have the audacity to say you're worried about me? All my life, you both have been absent!"

"We did what we had to in order to raise you correctly" my father stepped in. "Because of our jobs, and the money we made, you had everything you ever wanted."

"I didn't want all these many fucking dolls, or toys!" I yelled in despair as I pulled my hair with my fists. "You don't get it! I wanted you to be present in my life as I grew up, and you couldn't even do that! I spent days and days alone wondering why I'm here and you're there and I could never find the goddamn answer!"

Mum seemed to be awfully upset, tangling and scratching her fingers like this. I'd never seen her so quiet before; she should be yelling at me by now. When she lifted her chin up and her eyes caught mine, I knew there was a shitstorm following. "Don't you dare talk to your father and me like that, because only God knows what we've done for you."

"You've done shit!" I screamed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, where I spot it only a few minutes ago. "You always knew how to run away from your responsibilities, and forgot that you actually have a child waiting back home for you."

"Ebony, come back here right now" my dad called when I stormed out of the room, hopping down the stairs two steps at a time. He was followed by my mother who was now picking on her floral dress.

"We never even spent Christmas together, like a normal damn family" I whispered when I reached the door, and turned the handle. "You always found excuses to get away with it, making Claire's or Lola's parents take responsibility for me during the holidays and coming back during January with two car trunks filled with presents, as if they would make me forget about you missing! Who the fuck came up with the idea that love can be replaced with money?!"

My mother took one hesitant step down the staircase and kept on pulling with the skirt of her preppy dress, a deep frown covering her face, same as my father's. "We always made sure that you had someone there, and we wanted to be with you too."

"You left for fucking Tenerife on my 16th birthday!" I screamed hysterically and kicked the wooden door behind me, my nails digging on the skin of my palm. "You left me all alone and sent me a card a week later saying you couldn't make it, a fucking card!"

Dad opened his mouth right away, for an excuse most probably. "That was an emergency trip, they wanted us there for some com-"

"A what, a company that fucking produces iguana food or some crap?" I bellowed, both my arms trembling due to all the stress and anxiety rushing through my veins, from head to toe. "You're not even working! What's your excuse?" I pointed at my mum with all my remaining powers and turned my back to her, thoughts swirling through my head.

"Ebony, we just want to help you get better" I heard my mother mutter under her breath, but that wasn't enough to make me stop. I didn't need help, I was just fine the way I was. Everything was perfect, spectacular.

"I don't need your help!"

With a loud bang, I left the house.


again, another filler chapter i'm really sorry about that

i hope you like the story so far! there's still 6 chapters till the end (adding the epilogue too) so it's not that far... it should be over by next week or so

btw thanks for 1k guys, means a lot, you rock xx

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