nine ➳ his world

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Saying I rocked the slutty look was an understatement. No; I freaking nailed it. As I was standing outside Bianca's house, with my high-heeled ankle boots and the tight dark red dress I had taken hold of, a weird feeling lingered in my chest. Some guys who seemed no less than thirteen stuck their eyes on my naked thighs, and started blushing deep red when I squinted my eyes over at them. It was so cute and satisfying at the same time; knowing you have power over some certain people is a feeling I could never get tired of.

Bianca said she had to be somewhere, so after locking the front door, she jumped on her truck and drove away, leaving me here waiting for Luke all alone. Swinging my leg back and forth, I stared down at my cat nails, their colour blending with the atmosphere around me.

A black car stopped right in front of me and I dragged my eyes up, to look at it. The street lights were flickering against its glossy surface, and that caught my attention, until one of the front doors opened and Luke appeared from the inside. His lips curled on a smug smile and he approached me, hands shoved in his pockets.

"You look fantastic" he commented, and my eyes fell on the lip ring stuck on the right corner of his bottom lip. I ran my thumb across his skin and looked into his sea blue eyes as he examined my outfit.


His hand sneaked behind my back and gripped my bum, and for the first time ever, I didn't even look surprised. Or, at least I tried. It was something new to me, and I had to contain every feeling if I wanted this to work out. He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against the shell of my ear, the metal adding up to the sensation. "Now get your pretty ass up and let's get going."

I smirked and stood up, walking to the passenger's seat of his car. "As you wish" I pronounced each word slowly and licked my bottom lip after, pulling on the handle and opening the door. His look was priceless; he seemed both super surprised and lustful at the same time. Funny how slutty clothes can turn you into an actual whore.

When my little show was over, he hopped inside the vehicle and drove off, occasionally looking down at my crossed, naked legs and then back towards the road. I smiled in satisfaction; the way he looked at me made me feel so sexy and desirable. Deep inside, I knew he'd forget about my look the second some other slut grinded on his hips, but that didn't stop me from living the moment.

The road was packed up with cars and it took us nearly half an hour to get where Luke wanted to take me. It was pretty normal, since every person alive goes out on Saturday nights. Luke cussed loudly when a car driven by some dude passed us over and nearly bumped on us, and I simply rolled my eyes and looked outside.

After one hour or so, traffic was over and Luke was pulling on the driveway of a big ass mansion, with lights glistening all around the lawn covering the distance between the building and the bars circling the garden. I looked around at couples and random girl cliques walking around the grass, and a bunch of other people jumping in the pool not caring about the cold breeze of autumn or the fact that it was night and catching a cold was the main way this would end up.

He led me inside the house and pushed between random people dancing and others making out. I rolled my eyes at all of them and bit my bottom red lip, mostly to seduce any guy involved in the groups we were passing by. Luke's blue eyes often squinted at me but I ignored his stare as much as I could.

We got to some bar set inside the living room, as I assumed from the couches placed in random spots and some broken glassy coffee tables. The colour on the walls was creamy and dull, giving me one more clue. There, a guy approached us and mumbled something to Luke, to which he nodded and we proceeded.

"Here" he practically shouted in my ear after leaning in, "you'll learn how to flirt and lead guys on and stuff. Make out with some of them too, you got it?" When I nodded, he patted my shoulder friendly and gave me a light push, to help me blend into the crowd. "You're gonna rock" he mouthed, before turning around and leaving.

Well that's for sure.

Looking around as if I was a lost puppy, I set my eyes on a brunette tall guy dancing with some bimbo and smirked. Next victim. Squeezing between the crowd in order to reach him, I winced in annoyance and gripped on the glass filled with alcohol which Luke had passed to me, so I can 'loosen up a little bit'. I took a small sip to boost my confidence and made my presence known to the guy by bumping on him a little bit. He immediately turned around.

"I'm so sorry" I apologised, putting on my polite and charming smile.

He grinned boldly, turning his back to the chick moving to the crazy beat blaring from the speakers. "It's okay love, you didn't bother me one bit."

I tried to shoot him an innocent smile which didn't really pull off, but I had made my effort. "Thanks; it's just that this place is awfully crowded and I can't move."

"That's very true." The girl behind his back had stopped moving completely and was now shooting me threatening glares, which I totally ignored. "Let's find a quieter place to chat, shall we?"

With one nod from my part, he wrapped his fingers around my forearm gently and pulled me out of the dance floor. We both headed up the stairs and I turned my gaze to catch a glimpse of Luke, if I could, but he was nowhere to be found. 'Taking this somewhere quieter' meant sex and as far as I'm concerned, this guy looks like he's never been with a virgin before, or more like never bothered to.

You can fucking do this, Bo. Lead him on and convince him.

Before I could interrupt his fast pace, he had turned around and pressed my frame against the nearer wall. His lips smashed on mine and he pulled me in an aggressive, I must say, kiss, which wasn't pleasant at all. Although I hated myself for it, I kissed back and unwillingly wrapped my arms around his neck. We were kissing for almost two minutes when he unglued my body from the wall and started walking forwards, making me stumble and pace the other way. Our feet tangled and he had to stabilize me by holding me with his free arm and when we finally reached an empty room, he kicked the door open and tried to shove me in. A bump on both our shoulders forced us to break the kiss and my heart skipped a beat when my eyes connected with Luke's blue orbs.

"Excuse me" he politely told the guy in front of me, whose embrace got tighter and tighter with every step Luke took closer to us. "Can I interrupt this mighty romantic scene?"

The guy frowned and squeezed me in his arms. "No, you can't interrupt. Can't you see we're busy?"

"We're not busy" I chirped and released myself from the tight grip, walking to Luke's side. "Of course you can interrupt, we don't mind at all."

I heard him murmur a 'bitch' before walking away, and when he was far gone, I turned to Luke with a frown lingering on my face. "What are you doing here?" was the first thing I asked him. "When I looked for you earlier, you weren't there."

"I saw you going up here with that dude and something hit me" he admitted, running his fingers through his blond mass of hair and fixing his quiff. "You're a virgin."

My eyebrows rose. "So?"

"Before you get physical with other guys, you gotta have that fixed" he explained in a soft voice, and I heard him regardless the awfully loud music. "Or else, whoever takes you first will brag to others and that's not what we want; you'll be labeled as some vlut." While speaking, he pressed his palm against the white door to get it to open and dragged me into the empty room. "Unless the one who takes your virginity shuts his mouth and never speaks of it to others." I was pressed against the door and he slammed it close behind me, bringing his face right in front of mine.

My voice barely came out as a whisper. "So- what now?"

"What do you think?"



y'all have a free pass to hate on me bc cliffhanger lolololol

an early present for new year's eve! luv you all, thx for 600+ reads you da bomb

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