4. B A X

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Absolutely, utterly, fucking amazing.


But, my heart reached a speed of over 110 bpm when I realised we didn't use protection. I even had to check my Fitbit to be sure I wasn't about to collapse on the bed with severe chest pains from a potential life changing problem.

Uncontrollably, I shot up in a seating position, noticing the time was only eight thirty on a Saturday morning - a time that would be considered foreign to me on a weekend.

Shifting my gaze from the nerdy alarm clock on my bedside table, I watched as Lucy's eyes twitched then gently blinked open. Her gaze was fixated on me, relaxed from sleep, but then she must of seen the panic erupting through my features; she slowly sat up concerned at my expression.

"What's wrong? Was I supposed to leave? You fell asleep on me." She spoke with a sheepish tone, nervous that I was about to throw her out. She shouldn't of left. This was how it should be. I wanted this, but now? Now I was full blown panicking.

"No - in fact yes you need to go. We didn't use protection, Lucy." My cold attitude smacked her straight in the face, and my heart sunk. I didn't want to treat her like all the other women I slept with, but because of that we forgot the most important thing in this situation.

"Do you know what? Fuck you! I never intended to stay. I'll be out your way in no time." She chucked the quilt off herself, ensuring it hit me straight in the face, then began dressing in last nights poor choice of clothing that riled me seeing her in it. Yet, I was still more concerned with the condom situation.

"We didn't use protection, did you not hear me the first time?!"

"I heard you." She looked way too relaxed for this, maybe this was her plan? She knew I was a billionaire, and intended to trap me?

"Typical. You did this on purpose didn't you?" I shook my head in disbelief.

Maybe I sounded absolutely absurd, but I've let my guard down on somebody resulting in the worst conclusion ever. I couldn't have a child with somebody, my life was way too complicated for that. No one deserved that, especially not an innocent child.

"Excuse me?" She froze, dress half way down her body with her tiny little pants on full display. Even angry at her, my libido still wanted her.

She'd noticed me staring and shoved her dress down - not that it did much of a difference. You could still see most of her soft, smooth legs that were gripped on my shoulders last night as I thrusted into her.

Stop thinking about her body. Her. Everything to do with her.

I realised how ridiculous my accusation had been, and tried to steer away from it.

"Nothing. Just go." I put my head in my hands. I was so angry at myself for the way I was speaking to her, but also for allowing it to get this way. Something shifted inside me last night, allowing me to become open with the woman. So hypnotised by her, we forgot to use protection.

"I'm going, don't worry." I could hear sadness as she spoke. This was for the best.

"And just so you know, I'm on the pill. You don't need to worry. Maybe I'd of told you sooner, but you didn't really give me chance." She practically spat it at me, anger evident in her voice.

I listened to her sexy heels tap their way down the glass staircase, only to jump when the door slammed behind her. If this was an old house, I'd be forking out money for new plastering.

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