27. L U C Y

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"I really think you should find out the gender."

I rolled my eyes at Avery. She was looking at me with those sad little puppy eyes, begging for me to just find out.

"Nope." I clipped, smiling.

"Ergggggh." She groaned. "That's so unfair. What do I buy for it?"

She slumped backwards onto the bed, her arms spread out like a snow angel, staring up at the ceiling with a disgusted look.

"Well first, can we not call my baby an 'it'." I reminded her. "And secondly, you can buy anything as long as it's unisex."

I stood to grab my bag, brushing my hair, watching as she frowned. She was seriously petty at times.

Rolling my eyes for the second time, I yelled over my shoulder, "let's go! We're going to be late!"

The only noise was her groaning and the tiny thud of my feet hitting the steps, until I heard the bed squeak. Her tiny feet made a loud shuffling noise as she scraped them across the floor, most likely in frustration at me.

As I hit the bottom step the doorbell sounded.

"Who could that be?" I murmured to myself, placing my bag on the side table.

I turned the brass key in the lock, surprised when I saw who was leaning on the edge of the porch.

"Bax?!" I exclaimed. "I thought you were meeting us there?"

He looked nervous. He was dressed in a navy blue t-shirt, which fit tightly against his biceps, and a pair of black jeans. It had actually turned gloomy out, so I wished I had put jeans on. It looked as though it was about to rain.

"I thought I'd drive us all." He smiled, trying hard to hide the hopefulness that was clearly pounding in his chest.

Opening the door further, I allowed him past.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-"

"It's fine, I'm glad you did." I interjected, beaming back at him.

He stood for a second, shifting on his brown loafers, taking me in. I was wearing a pair of white denim shorts and a black T-shirt. His eyes hungrily scanned me, making me nervous.

His hand reached out, curving the side of my hip, and pulled me closer to him.

Neither of us spoke, we just locked our eyes on each other. I saw as his Adam's Apple bopped up and down, just as I took a large gulp myself. He was making me sweat. I could feel myself burning up, my cheeks were most likely like a clown. Bright red against the rest of my pale skin.

After the other day I'm surprised he's even touching me. I felt awful about the Harry situation, I hadn't spoke to him since. But not just because of Bax, also because I knew it was wrong to lead him on. I'm not actually sure why I did keep talking to him, maybe I was just really lonely and he was nice to me? I slightly shook my head at that thought.

"You look beautiful." His eyes gleamed at me as he smirked. His other hand came up, landing on the swell of my tummy. My bump had come up more the past few days, unless it was the clothes I was wearing, but it was pretty clear I was pregnant now. Still, it was only small. His large hand almost covered the whole of me as he cradled our baby. I watched as his face morphed into love and admiration. He looked completely besotted with the sight of my tummy, and if you couldn't tell I was pregnant, people would definitely know I was. They would also be very convinced we were a couple.

My heart stung a little at that. A part of me wishes we would be like that again. I just know I can't trust him. I saw that Mr Marvin leaving his office the other day, I hadn't asked what he wanted but I never had chance after he stormed off.

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