24. L U C Y

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Fuming wasn't the word to describe how I felt right now. I was so angry I could have smacked him there and then just like the first time we met. I should have known from that moment, I shouldn't have gone home with him. If I hadn't gone home with him he wouldn't be in my life, and I wouldn't be-


My baby.

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath as I sit in the passenger seat of Averys car. I love my baby, I should never have said that. Guilt riddled through my body.

"I'm sorry." She finally said as she slumped into her side of the car.

I look over at her. "It's okay, you didn't think and maybe it's a good thing."

"How so?" She turns the key in the ignition before looking at me quizzically.

I sigh. "Maybe he will get jealous," I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know."

"Well I think he did get jealous," she laughed. "And I saw the way he was with you as you came out that room."

She turned serious all of a sudden, raising her left eyebrow at me, then giving me a little wink.

"No! No! No!" My head fell into my hands. "I can't think like that Ave."

I turned my head to look out the window and saw as he burst out the hospital doors, Liam chasing after him. He was upset. I could see it, but then something changed. I followed his eyes and saw Melissa. What was she doing waiting for him outside? I presumed Liam had brought him, but maybe I was wrong. Still, why would she be waiting.

"What are you looking at?" Avery pulled off the car park, eyes switching from the road to where I was looking.

"That." I nodded my head towards them both.

"Oh shit, what the fuck is she doing here?" Avery put the handbrake on and started staring.

Cars started beeping behind us drawing attention our way.

"Avery! Move the damn car." I looked over my shoulder to see an extremely angry old man with his middle finger aimed at us.

"What?" She looked behind her. "Oh fuck you. There's drama happening here." She shouted, but he obviously couldn't hear her. Did she have to be so aggressive?

"Just move the car!" I screamed. "There's no drama happening."

"So why does she look like she's about to kill him?"

Did she? I couldn't see properly, she must have a better view.

Eventually she drove off, but I couldn't help looking in the rear mirror to watch what was happening between Bax and Melissa. They'd also turned to look at us after the continuous beeping from the old man.

I still couldn't tell if something was going on. Why did it bother me anyway? I just needed to forget, maybe I could have another date with Harry?

That sparked a thought. I hadn't told Avery about it, Bax interrupted before I could.

"So the date went well." I broke the silence as we drove down a busy road.

She gasped, "really?"

"Yes," I giggled. "He was sweet."

"Soooooo? Is there another date on the cards?" She jiggled in her seat with excitement.

"Maybe," I kept my eyes directly on the road. "It just wasn't the same as Bax if you get me?"

"Yeah, you just gotta see how it goes."

The conversation ended and I considered my options. All I wanted was Bax, but maybe I did need to move on.


"Not now Melissa!" I stalked towards Liams car ignoring her.

"No! You were supposed to stay away from her!" I could hear her screaming, but I chose to block it out instead.


"Melissa why don't you just leave him alone? It's his baby he already told you this." I could hear Liam following me, but I could also hear the clicking off her six inch heels too. I was grateful he was helping me, why didn't she just listen?

"I don't care, he only needs a photo. He doesn't need to come to the actual thing."

That's it.

"Shut up!" I bellowed back at her, turning to face her.

Her body flinched, "you don't talk-"

"No! I talk to you how I want! You do not get to say that," I walked closer. "That's my baby and I wanted to see it on the screen, hear it's heartbeat." I shook my head at how ridiculous this was; I was having to explain myself to her? "I'm done." I turned back towards the car.

"What?" She started chasing me. "What do you mean you're done?"

"Bax! Don't do anything rational." Liam spoke from behind me, but I'm past caring. I've had enough.

"This," I moved my finger back and forth between us. "It's done. We're not getting married. Tell your precious daddy, fuck his consequences."

I fell into the passenger side, slamming the door. I could see Melissas face burning with anger, and Liam trying to calm her down. I know he probably thought I was just pissed, therefore I was making rational choices, but I wasn't. I've really had enough. Lucy would hate me once her dad took action, but at least I could work on my relationship with her. I'd try with her whether she wanted to or not. She wasn't dating someone else, I couldn't let her. I loved her.

"Dude! What the fuck did you do that for!" He yelled as he sat in the car.

"I can't do it anymore Liam!" I punched the dashboard. "I can't marry her and let Lucy be with someone else."

"We were going to find a plan, a way that would help the both of you-"

"It's too long. She could end up in love with some other guy by then," I faced him. "I can't let that happen."

He just looked at me. Sympathy written all over his face. I could see he was worried though too. He knew what this meant, and it could end up worse than if I had stayed with Melissa and come up with a plan. I just had to do this. My baby deserves more than two parents hating each other.

silence flowed around us for most of the journey until I spoke. "He's going to ruin her life isn't he."

Liam winced. "He's gonna do what he said, yeah."

I knew this, but for some reason I hoped he wouldn't. I think that's where my motivation to end it came from; my stupid self thinking he wouldn't actually do it.

"Don't panic. What's done is done, you're gonna need to speak to Lucy though."

He was right.

"Turn the car around, we're going Avery's." I announced, fingers crossed this went well.

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