8. B A X

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The girl who'd spent the last six weeks consuming my brain. I hadn't stopped thinking about her in every single way possible. Her perfect skin, her beautiful voice, her goddess body, and the way I treated her that morning. I wish I could go back, pull her back into my arms and tell her how I really felt. Now she was at my door. But why?

"Come in." I buzzed open the gate, watching as a bright green fiat 500 made its self comfy on my drive. Without a doubt that wasn't her car. She was too simple - in a good way - for a car like that. I imagine she drives something classy like a Mercedes or something, probably in white or black too.

Maybe I looked like a creep, but I was fixated on the camera as her curvy body left the car in a pair of sexy jeans, and a tight fitting top. The v-neck left me reminiscing the night I had the opportunity to view all her cleavage, as right now it was on full display for anyone to see. But Goddamn she looked hot. Sexy even. Her whole body was a rare diamond; beautiful on display, sparkling catching everyone's attention at her beauty.

It wasn't until she was out of view that I noticed her friend from that night. Now I could understand why some friend would suggest a dress like the one she was wearing. This girl was a walking highlighter. Pink everything, and bright too. Yet she's not the one lighting up my body right now. Lucy is.

I moved towards the door, opening it before they could ring the bell. I was still in my grey joggers and black T-shirt, as I was about to use the gym downstairs. Yet Lucy was the one who looked odd as her friend was also in sportswear.

"Hi, Erm come in." It took me a while to speak. I was paying too much attention to how stressed out Lucy looked. Her eyes were a little puffy, and slightly red. I was immediately concerned for whatever had upset her, eager to teach the person a lesson.

"Shall we go sit in the lounge? Is there somewhere Avery could go?"
She asked as they entered the hallway.

"Do you not want me in the room?" Avery whispered, but I could still hear her. What could she need to be in the room for?

"No, don't worry. I'll shout if I need you." She reassured her friend with a closed lip smile.

"If you're sure, sweetie." Squeezing her shoulder, Avery looked to me for an answer to Lucy's question.

"Erm she can go in the dining room it's just through the door in the lounge."

I led them both down the wide empty hallway which opened up into the lounge. I could sense the tension between us as soon as Avery closed the door to the dining room.

"Would you like a drink? I forgot to offer you both one." I attempted to converse with her to break the tension, but she just shook her head without making any noise.

"We need to talk, Bax." She swallowed, taking a shaky breath. The tears she'd tried to hide earlier were showing. Her eyes had become a watery surface of salty liquid ready to emerge at any moment.

"Hey, shhh it's okay, what's wrong?"

I honestly hadn't even thought what she could possibly need to be here for. I was too concerned with her actually being here than why.

I sat next to her pulling her tiny body into mine. I practically swallowed her, she might be curvy but she was still petite in height, and the rest of her body too.

"There's no easy way for me to say this, so I'm just going to come out with it."

She looked up at me before continuing, I automatically wiped the stray tears that fell.

"I'm pregnant Bax. It's yours."

I couldn't speak. My whole body had frozen; become numb with shock. Pregnant. A baby. A small human. She was carrying my baby. A fucking baby.

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